The Fearless Entrepreneurs by Lynda Sunshine West — Lionesses of Africa

Book Review

Author Lynda Sunshine West, whose new book The Fearless Entrepreneurs points out that entrepreneurship can be scary, says nothing is set in stone and you either make it or you don’t. There’s no guarantee. She points to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics which shows that approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years. Only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more. With those odds, why do people even start a business? The odds are stacked against you right from the beginning.

In The Fearless Entrepreneurs, Lynda Sunshine West introduces you to men and women who have been on the journey called “Entrepreneurship.” They have gone through ups and downs, twists and turns, backs and fourths, and have survived to tell the story. Some have experienced tragedies during the trek, but they made a commitment to keep going. This is a must-read for anyone who has a dream, but is afraid to take that step into entrepreneurship. Join Lynda and her fellow entrepreneurs as they share their individual stories of bravery with you and encourage you to keep moving forward!

Author Quotes

If you think about it, every single thing on the planet (that is not indigenous) was made by an entrepreneur.

I would characterize this book as a business compilation of journeys from entrepreneurs who have made the leap to create the life they truly want to live.

I’ve been blessed by connecting with amazing entrepreneurial souls who are making a positive impact on the planet by throwing caution to the wind and doing what they love. 

As an entrepreneur, you oftentimes feel alone because there are a lot of people who “don’t get you,” but you have this desire and passion to help make this planet a better place, so you keep pushing forward in hopes of making it all work out.

About the author

Lynda Sunshine West is known as the Queen of Collaboration. She’s a Speaker, 8 times Bestselling Author, Executive Film Producer, Red Carpet Interviewer, and the Founder of Women Action Takers. Women Action Takers’ mission is to empower women to write, publish, and market their book and get them on stages to AMPLIFY their voices. At age 51 she faced one fear every day for an entire year. In doing so, she gained an exorbitant amount of confidence and uses what she learned to fulfill her mission by giving women from all over the world the opportunity to share their voice. She believes in cooperation and collaboration and loves connecting with like-minded people. 

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