• Nile Harvest’s Mission

    Build a prosperous and innovative value chain for African female farmers and merchants.

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The Nile Harvest’s model
is based on three pillars

Creating meaningful
social impact

Financial Independence for
female farmers

supply chain

The History of
the Nile

Since before humans first wrote history, the waters of the Nile River have carried nutrients and resources along its great length from springs in East Africa’s mountains northward to the Mediterranean Sea and the world beyond.

Nile Harvest™ is a Social Agribusiness focused on empowering African women and supporting sustainable agriculture in the Nile Valley region.

Our innovative value-added supply chain is designed to strengthen the position and role of African women by bringing the results of their time, treasure, and talent to the United States market.

Nile Harvest’s Products

The Nile River carried products north from the lands along the river’s course:


Africa’s “Tree of Life” offers the world its bark, fruit, and leaves and provides food, fiber, and pharmaceutical benefits.

Gum Arabic

This miracle thrives in adverse soil and moisture conditions to provide powders, gums, and starches to thicken everything from pectin to paint.


Hibiscus flowers bloom in bright reds to soft pinks and create an herbal tea with potential as an expanding income source for Sudanese farmers, 60-70% of whom are women.


Perhaps the world’s oldest condiment, Sesame bears seeds packed with calcium, copper, fiber, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, zinc, and vitamin B1.


Nile Harvest was created by Israa Ali using her personal history and management experience. Her commitment arises from her deep concern for the plight of many women struggling in low-income economies of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Nile Harvest is a platform created to bring Africa’s agricultural products to markets in the United States where we want to facilitate the connection between African agricultural providers and American tastes for fair trade items and exotic grains.

Nile Harvest was created by Israa Ali using her personal history and management experience. Her commitment arises from her deep concern for the plight of many women struggling in low-income economies of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Nile Harvest is a platform created to bring Africa’s agricultural products to markets in the United States where we want to facilitate the connection between African agricultural providers and American tastes for fair trade items and exotic grains.

Contact Us

We’d love to talk to you

+1 202 743 0014

© 2020 by nileharvest.us