Alice Kivuva, a Kenyan entrepreneur building a unique African-inspired sports brand  — Lionesses of Africa

Why should anyone use your service or product?

FiveStars Africa is the celebration of the African woman. Each point of the star celebrates a facet of the strong amazing woman that she is:

• The woman who exudes confidence with effortless style.
• The woman who is not confined to the world’s stereotypes of what an African woman should be.
• The woman who inspires both younger and older generations.
• The woman who measures success by the Inspiration she is able to evoke.
• The woman who despite her Imperfections focuses on living her best Life.

We want to create an opportunity for our customers to achieve more than they thought they could through fitness and health. At FiveStars Africa, we give you the confidence needed to help you succeed by producing apparel that is designed specifically for women, whilst catering to all levels of sports. We are gender-inclusive and have a vibrant line that caters to men and children.

Tell us a little about your team

We are currently five employees, three of whom are female employees. All are talented, specialized, and competent. We look forward to expanding the team as our business grows.

Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And do you come from an entrepreneurial background?

I have always had the desire to be independent, to create, to establish, to grow a business, and linking that to the love of the African culture and fashion. My business ventures are centered on my heritage, a celebration of my culture!

My greatest source of inspiration comes from my mother. Her resilience, determination, discipline, and ability to run a business despite the hurdles she had to overcome as a widow will forever be a reminder that I have what it takes within me to be successful.

An old adage goes “there’s nothing new under the sun”. The only new thing is you, so take what you see add your uniqueness and creativity to it, in your own beautiful way. Hence, my plunge into the unknown, in pursuit of my entrepreneurial dream. I have had to become a problem solver who never backs down from a challenge.

**My Mantra**
“Nothing was ever in any man that is not in you; no man ever had more power than you can attain or did greater things than you can accomplish. “You can become what you want to be”. -Wallace D. Wattles

Did you know that the bicycle played a role in advancing women’s rights empowerment in the 1800s? The bicycle was one invention that allowed women to easily travel without a chaperone, it brought about dress reforms and allowed women to participate in the public sphere.

Susan B. Anthony , a women’s rights activist said :
“Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel…the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood.” 

~ Now there’s a reason to get on your bike!

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