5 Secrets to inspiring and motivating your dream team to bring their A-Game to work — Lionesses of Africa

by Farida Yahya

The world we live in today transcends far beyond just hiring people to perform tasks. As a business owner, you need people who can think on their feet, who are creative and are highly motivated. We need people who can deliver beyond expected results.

This leads to the big question: How do you transform your team from “ordinary groups of people” to people who can exceed expectations and deliver badass results? How do you make your team go beyond the usual tag-lines – productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness – into something bigger?

As the founder of Lumo Naturals, a natural haircare solutions company, I’ve come to realize that my job responsibilities transcend the usual approval of paychecks, making budget decisions and producing goods. Rather, it is also my job to inspire and motivate my team to ALWAYS BRING their A-Game to work.

The way I see it, if my team is inspired, they will perform beyond expectations, which would cumulatively grow my business. And if they are performing brilliantly well, it is also my duty to appreciate them, reward them and motivate them to do better. In fact, knowing how to motivate your team is almost more important than knowing how to run your business. If the right structure is in place, your business will grow even in your absence.

Want to know how to motivate your employees? Here are some of my secrets.

1. Spice up your meetings

Nobody likes to do the same boring routine over and over again (this I have gleaned from 6 years of running Lumo Naturals). To make your meetings more fun, spice up your meeting routines. Have you been scheduling a two-hour meeting with the same old agenda every week? Spice it up by trying short (15 to 20 minutes) and creative brainstorming sessions. In fact, it is not compulsory for people to sit down. You could just gather around, like huddles and pass across the message. KEEP IT SHORT AND SWEET!

2. Encourage your team to speak up

Ditch diplomacy! A lot of times, your team wouldn’t be able to tell you where you made a wrong decision as the boss. Of course, while they can’t make the decisions for you, encourage them to open up. Let them express their feelings (without personal or bias attacks) as opposed to worrying about being nice or getting favoured by you. The feedback would help those slacking to buckle up and get to work, as well as help your business soar.

3. Put your people first

Go read about the success of most companies today and you’d be surprised to realize that these businesses put the interests of their employees first. I’m sure this is the point where you ask me about the good ol’ maxim about “customers being kings”.  As a business owner myself, I’ve come to realize that putting your team first will create happy customers. Happy Team… Happy customers!

4. Let them know that it’s okay to fail

Think this is wrong? Think again! When you inspire fear among your employees, what you’re automatically doing is to reduce their self-esteem and confidence. And when this happens, it would drastically affect your business negatively. Instead, when they make mistakes or fail, correct them politely (without cursing or shouting). Show them the steps or strategies they missed and give them ideas on how to correct those errors.

5. Recognize Their Accomplishments

Boss or not…everybody likes being rewarded or praised. This same rule applies to your team. Did they perform excellently well? Appreciate them! Show them that you see and know the impacts of their actions on your business. When honest and hardworking employees begin to feel unseen and unappreciated, they will either leave your business for a competitor’s or reduce the amount of energy and commitment they put to making your business grow. If you haven’t been recognizing your team, now is the time to rectify that. Take them on retreats (if you can), give them paid holidays, sponsor them on a trip, pay for a course/certification that would benefit them as well as your business, take them out, etc The idea here is to appreciate them. The way you appreciate them doesn’t have to break your bank’s balance, unless you can afford it.


6. Don’t micromanage

No one likes a boss who is constantly monitoring them or breathing down on their necks. Focus on setting your expectations and let them work on ways to helping you achieve them.

7. Make it fun!

All work and no play will leave your team members dull. This is one advice I always give other business owners. When your employees are happy, you wouldn’t need to motivate them too much before they know what to do. In fact, don’t be surprised to see them motivating themselves and even you. Make your team happy by providing a conducive work environment and respecting their individual personalities.


Every point I listed here are some of the tips I have learnt to implement after establishing Lumo Naturals. It wasn’t easy… I didn’t know it all. However, what I can tell you as a CEO with over 6 years of business experience is that: For your business to grow, you need to put your employees first. Treat them well and they will move mountains for you. Even if they leave your company today for a rival’s or to set up their own, they will never forget the good things you’ve done for them. They will sing your praises and take your business to places you’ve never imagined. And here’s one more secret: PAY THEM WELL!

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