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How to overcome cash-flow problems – African Farming

Nonhlanhla Gumede-Shabalala, a sugar cane farmer in the Eastern Cape, gave up her corporate banking career to pursue her passion. Lindiwe Sithole, host of African Farming Season 2, is inspired by the success of this 36-year-old female farmer in an industry that is still dominated by males. “It is amazing what Nonhlanhla, still so young, […]

Sugar cane queen builds her empire – African Farming

Nonhlanhla Gumede-Shabalala gave up a blossoming career in banking to help her father through a crippling drought in 2010. The 35-year-old has not looked back since and is now the proud owner of a flourishing sugar cane farm worth an estimated R10 million, writes Peter Mashala. Nonhlanhla GumedeShabalala was home for the 2010 December holidays […]

Get it right the first time – African Farming

Nonhlanhla Gumede-Shabalala is a dynamic, hands-on female farmer in the sugar cane industry. Lindiwe Sithole, host of African Farming Season 2, visits her in the Eastern Cape and finds that she has an incredible success story to share. Nonhlanhla Gumede-Shabalala left her corporate job in the banking industry in 2010 to assist her father when […]

Entrepreneur Advice from Fauzia Malik / Don’t overthink things — Lionesses of Africa

Don’t overthink things!… “Just start, don’t overthink it. If you have an idea and your research shows there’s a need for your business idea, don’t waste time overthinking the finer details.” Fauzia Malik is a serial entrepreneur and the Managing Director of Cool Blue Pure Drinking Water, Tembo Tiles Limited, and the recently launched Pure […]

Quote of the Day by Kah Walla — Lionesses of Africa

Quote of the Day “It is how well you learn from your failure and how quickly you recover from it that will build your success.” Kah Walla is a Political Leader, Activist and Entrepreneur from Cameroon, and the founder and CEO of the 26-year old consulting firm, STRATEGIES! She is also the current president of […]

Let’s keep it simple… — Lionesses of Africa

by Lionesses of Africa Operations Department When times are tough, when times are uncertain, indeed, when times are frightening, let us not make our lives anymore complex – let’s just keep it simple. We looked previous at ‘Controlling your Controllables’ (here), but what about the ‘Uncontrollables’? Is there anything we can do to at least […]

In the meantime  — Lionesses of Africa

by Linda Zuze (PhD) Is it just me or does it feel as if we spend an awful lot of our time waiting for things to happen these days? Waiting for lockdowns to be lifted. Waiting for schools to re-open. Waiting for financing to keep our businesses going. Waiting to feel better. Waiting for ‘pandemic […]

How to Generate New Leads, Get Dream Customers, and Create a Loyal Community by Nikki Nash — Lionesses of Africa

Book Review If you want an expert-preneur’s guide to building your audience in business, then look o further than the new book from Nikki Nash – Market Your Genius: How to Generate New Leads, Get Dream Customers, and Create a Loyal Community. She shares how you can tap into your own personal experiences and expertise […]