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Get rewarded for regenerative agriculture – African Farming

South African farmers practising regenerative agriculture can now earn extra income through the country’s first internationally recognised carbon offset programme for the agricultural sector. The gradual shift towards regenerative agriculture across South Africa received much-needed support this week when carbon management company Climate Neutral Group (CNG) successfully listed the AgriCarbon Programme under the internationally recognised […]

Doing business can be fun! – African Farming

Lindiwe Sithole, host of African Farming Season 2, had a great time exploring Nkosana Mtambo’s farm. He showed her how to drive a tractor and shared stories of how he got into agriculture. “I embraced this lifestyle and changed what I needed to to make this work,” says this city dweller turned farm boy. “I […]

What you need to know about the Federal Mortgage Bank

We’ve watched movies and we’ve at one point or the other heard of a mortgage, or a mortgage down payment, mortgage rates, and if you’ve been keeping track of the news you might have heard references to the 2008 financial crisis “that rocked the world”.  Mortgages are very important parts of investment portfolios of many […]

Compétition entre les huit groupes d’étudiants en algoculture. – Forum for African Women Educationalists: FAWE

Le 17 juin 2021, le FAWE Zanzibar a organisé une cérémonie de remise de prix pour les meilleurs étudiants stagiaires dans le cadre d’un concours sur le commerce des algues récemment conclu. Les étudiants se sont regroupés en au moins 25 personnes chacune pour former huit groupes. La compétition était basée sur la formation des […]

A love letter to a self-starter

by Clementina Busayo  I’m that girl figuring out life as she grows, asking questions to help her find her way, taking little steps daily, making mistakes but never giving up. I started an ushering agency as a full-time customer service consultant in a bank. I realized only a few people pursue their ideas – either […]

Building businesses in the virtual world — Lionesses of Africa

by Catia Mondlane  Business visionaries are inventive, imaginative and risk-taking by definition, so building up a business in or following a pandemic doesn’t scare them away. The pandemic showed numerous such visionaries that keep up with their actual wellbeing and develop new business frameworks. In 2020, buyers looked to discover innovative solutions online to forget […]