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Veronica Wekesa, a Kenyan entrepreneur building a new hospitality model for the travel and tourism industry — Lionesses of Africa

What are your future plans and aspirations for your company? We would like to grow the brand and later franchise the business from a single city to various cities in Kenya and maybe East Africa. What gives you the most satisfaction being an entrepreneur? Creating employment for women; I started with one female employee, and […]

Lioness Launch / Mozambique’s House of Agness launches new bespoke, luxury tea collection — Lionesses of Africa

The House of Agness, founded by creative entrepreneur Mariana Agness Francisco Eria, is a contemporary Floral House based in Mozambique and specializing in bespoke, minimalistic floral arrangements. The company’s inspiration is based on  minimalism and sustainability. The House of Agness range of products and services includes, but is not limited to, the delivery of signature […]

Should I stay or should I go? — Lionesses of Africa

By the Lionesses of Africa Operations Dept We were shocked to hear of the passing of Model and Singer Nick Kamen this week at the tender age of 59. The Levi Jeans model and singer shot to fame in the iconic ‘Laundrette’ ad (here).  Reflecting on that we were reminded of another incredible Levi’s ad […]

Don’t stress your animals! – African Farming

LIVESTOCK Like with humans, stress in animals can be a serious problem, often with dire health consequences. Stress increases the levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which suppresses the immune system and so affects productivity and reproduction by delaying puberty and retarding ovulation. Stress can also affect the behaviour of an animal, making it more […]

Safeguarding Education financing during COVID 19 pandemic times – Forum for African Women Educationalists: FAWE

Safeguarding Education financing during COVID 19 pandemic times Every year, from April 26th – 30th, the world comes together to celebrate the Global Action Week for Education (GAWE). It is during this week that all educational stakeholders are reminded that education financing is crucial and more specially during and post the Covid-19 times. This year, […]

Pricing cringe — Lionesses of Africa

by Brigette Mashile  Pricing – I avoid this topic, a lot.  It is because it makes me uncomfortable.  I have no direct reason, so I know it must be deep and attached to money in general.  This is a major issue because I run a business, I make products which I sell, every day.  What […]