Benefits of Using Proper Business Language  — Lionesses of Africa

by Helena Naitsuwe Amadhila

Language is the art of communicating with others in any situation. Using proper language in each context is vital to ensure that the message is clear, received and understood well by the intended recipients. In a business context, it is a must that proper business language is utilized to portray professionalism and business language etiquette. The use of proper business language should be embraced by all in the business environment. The usage should also be done and applied in all forms of communication, be it verbal or written. 

So, what is this animal called proper business language? It will be explained using the following: salutation, tone, context, main message, closing tag and identity.

Salutation – This is a form of addressing the recipient as either Sir, Madam, Mrs, Miss, Mr, Dr or Professor. In case you are not sure, address the recipient as Sir/Madam and allow the recipient to correct you by providing the correct salutation. This shows respect and appreciation.

Tone – It is important to know the tone to use so as to avoid sounding harsh, angry or impolite. It is generally understood that a tone can easily be deduced from a written message as well. Be careful not to write in a way that will scare customers away from your business or give a wrong impression about you and your business as an entrepreneur.

Context – This is vital in business communication as it plays a major role in the business environment. Language use in a business context is extremely different from language use in general context and communication. Context act as a boundary within which the language is being used. Each context calls for contextualized language to avoid misinterpretation of the message being communicated.

Main message – This is the heart of communication and the language used should be clear and free from ambiguity to avoid back and forth messages in an effort to seek clarity of what is being said and communicated. It is vital to use proper spacing and apply the use of capital letters, commas, full stops, colons and semi colons. This will help the recipient to differentiate between names and other words used in the message.

Closing tag – It is always good to ensure that the message being communicated has reached the end, thus using a closing tag to indicate the ending of the communication or writing. A closing tag could be something like I will be waiting to hear from you on the way forward.

Identity – Although placed at the end of the message or communication, this is the most important component of communication in a business language. Identity provides the name of the person communicating. This will make it easy in case there is a need for follow ups and actions needed. Finally, identity will provide the name and position of the person communicating in the business.

The bottom line is to ensure customers’ retention and attraction through proper business language use. 

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