Do You Know How To Wait? — Lionesses of Africa

by Elizandra dos Santos

Do you know how to wait? That is the question that I bring to the present moment. It’s worse for the quick fixers who want instant results, quick effects, quick responses, goals achieved in the shortest time and miraculous resolutions. I wish life were like this. Many people, because they don’t know how to wait, end up frustrated immersed in anxiety, anger, depression, they become impatient. They are overwhelmed by their own emotions counting the days, hours, minutes, crazy seconds until the time comes to get out of this confinement, go back to traveling or have a supposedly normal life.

Waiting requires patience, I confess it is not easy, but it is not impossible, a virtue that many of us easily lose, as it requires us to exercise daily.

Have you stopped to reflect? We are adults with attitudes of ID, the spoiled child who wants everything today and now. With that approach, we spend most of the time feeding this desire. This desire takes us through the entire process of the emotional sequence of Sigmund Freud, where it is clear that all our suffering starts with desire. We become frustrated, fueling hatred, anger, guilt, then reaching the point of self-sabotaging, and in the end, we have the need to repair all the damage done. Waiting requires patience, I confess it is not easy, but it is not impossible, a virtue that many of us easily lose, as it requires us to exercise daily.

We suffer in anticipation only to later realize that it’s no use, everything has its time, process and rhythm. Haste is the enemy of progress and when we realize it, we spend energy unnecessarily without having results.

Waiting teaches!

Waiting helps us to mature and with it comes with wisdom.

Fast pass this COVID19! Hurry… damned eagerness, the enemy of the present.

“The hurried eats raw”, I think we’ve heard that popular saying – that rush that makes us fall and smash our face.

The word “miracle” as we know it is a word derived from the Latin “miraculum”, which means something admirable, something amazing or extraordinary. We go through life waiting for extraordinary events such as completing a master’s degree, having a successful company, having more money in the account, getting married, having children, buying the car of the year, traveling with friends, or findig the great love of our life. Countless little stories that we tell ourselves so as not to live in the present moment and be happy in the now. The truth is that to experience the extraordinary you just need to breathe.

“Once, someone who lived in search of truth went to a great teacher in order to be led to experience the higher states of consciousness. Seeing that he was more interested in gaining power over others than in spiritual improvement, the master he took him to a river and, making him submerge, held his head under the water until he nearly drowned. Only then did he let him go, asking him, “What was your greatest wish when you were under water? “Exhausted and breathing deeply, he replied, “I want air!” “Then come back,” said the master, “when your desire for self-improvement is as great as your longing for air!” Without breath there is no life! to live a long time without food, but only a few minutes without air. We all know that. Few, however, know that breathing can mean much more than letting the body take in the air it needs. Few know that breathing is an important link between the body and the spirit, and that exerts a profound influence on the psychosomatic event. “

Do you want to be happy and live in the present? Stop desiring, develop your virtues and meditate more. Try to practice something that will help you exercise more conscious breathing. I love the practice of yoga, but I hope you don’t get bogged down in my suggestions. Try to do something that speaks to your soul, maybe it’s reading the book Revolution of Virtues by writer Edu Casão; going to Zumba class; training in Judo; running; meditating by the sea; connecting with nature. Do me a special favor, be happy!


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