FAWE revamps her South Sudan chapter to enhance girls’ access to quality education and training opportunities in South Sudan – Forum for African Women Educationalists: FAWE

By Mohamadou Ba

On the 29th of July, 2022, The Forum for African Women Educationalists launched FAWE South Sudan National Chapter at the Ministry of Education of South Sudan. The newly revamped Chapter also took the opportunity to launch the Strategic Plan for 2022-2027.

FAWE South Sudan was established in 2009 in close collaboration with the Ministry of Education and other national partners. Due to arising conflicts in the country, the National Chapter halted its activities in 2013.

With the high number of girls being displaced and experiencing limited access to education, FAWE Africa worked on the design of an inclusive, adaptative and foreword thinking Strategic Plan to address the issue of access to quality education in South Sudan.

Speaking during the launch event held in Juba, South Sudan, FAWE Africa’s Executive Director Ms. Martha Muhwezi said,

“Women and girls should always be able to enjoy their rights to education. It is our duty to set the conditions for their effective participation in society.”

FAWE Africa’s Executive Director Ms. Martha Muhwezi

The revamping of the South Sudan Chapter will allow FAWE to train teachers and education stakeholders in Gender Responsive Pedagogy (GRP) and Gender Responsive Policy and Planning to enhance retention and good performance of girls at all levels of education.

FAWE South Sudan is also committed to support zero tolerance to School Related Gender Based Violence and other harmful practices due to the pervasive dominant patriarchal norms which normalize such practices that inhibit girls access to education and wellbeing in society.

The launch of the FAWE Sudan Chanter and Strategic Plan was held in partnership with the Ministry of Education.

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