Living free from fear and labels — Lionesses of Africa

Why is your hair brown? Why is it so plain? Why are your eyes green? Why are you wearing pink lipstick?

I gave her a huge smile and with a childlike mind, I asked ” what should it look like, trying to understand her little mind map. She responded ” Oh no, it’s boring”

You should have colourful hair ( like the rainbow). You must wear sparkly lip gloss. Your clothes must look more colourful. Oh and you must wear glitter shoes.

I smiled and realized at that moment just how beautiful her view of life was. She had no fear of being judged. No fear of being labelled different. She was confident, beautiful, and bold in her own skin without any labels from others. This got me thinking. How many of us walk around with labels such as:

You are not smart enough
You are too vocal
You are not worthy
You are stupid
You don’t deserve better
You are too fat, short, tall, skinny
Your hair is too curly, too straight

By becoming aware of labels, you can begin to ask quality questions and test them against reality.

How does this label serve me? Who am I really? What is the worst that can happen if I continue to walk around with this label? What is the best that can happen if I remove, and release the label?

Truth be told, as our kids grow older they can be boxed with labels by others. It’s our responsibility as adults to allow them to be free, fearless, and confident in their own skin.


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