Pannar sows seeds of accountability – African Farming

New discoveries and advances in technology make agriculture a science on the move. Farmers who stay stuck in obsolete methods do so at their peril and many of them struggle to move forward. The agricultural extension services of the past are largely non-existent, leaving many farmers without advisors to guide their progress.

Input suppliers have put a lot of effort and expertise into plugging information and knowledge gaps in the agricultural sector. Seed supplier Pannar Seed is well known for providing farmers with an excellent advisory service.

Pannar’s Hendrik Mokoto says input suppliers have a responsibility to establish good relationships with their farmers. “Our farmers know that we don’t walk away once we have made a sale. We will give them the best possible aftercare.” 

Seitshiro Marumoloe, a young crop farmer from the North West, is a Pannar customer who places a high value on building partnerships in his farming operation. Marumoloe emphasises the importance of positive engagement with advisory services. “We need technical know-how; for example, you have to know how to spot diseases and then how to deal with them.” 

Farming is an unforgiving business and acting on the right advice can save farmers from poor harvests and even from crop failure. 

Seed suppliers need no better advertisement than abundant harvests, profitable farms and successful farmers. Through the quality of its advisory service, Pannar supports profitability and builds good relationships with farmers. “If you have the right partners in your system, it is only a matter of time before the profits start flowing,” says Marumoloe. 

Pannar has shown strength in building partnerships and establishing trust relationships with farmers, whether they are small-scale growers or corporate commercial operations. As Mokoto says: “After the sale, Pannar starts the journey that takes us from planting to harvest with our farmers.” 

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