Relationship Bankers in Profile / Absa / Maureen Ntsane — Lionesses of Africa

Impact Partner Content / Absa / Relationship Banker Profile – Maureen Ntsane

In this week’s edition of Lioness Weekender, we are publishing the fourth in a series of regular profiles featuring Absa Relationship Bankers whose role it is to support entrepreneurs. The fourth of our profiles introduces Maureen Ntsane, Regional Head: Sales & Service Enablement – Central Region.


Tell us a little about yourself and the career path that led you to becoming a Relationship Banker at Absa.

I worked for various industries before joining the financial industry. My banking career at Absa started in 2008. I was the Chief Financial Officer of AllPay Consolidated Investment Holdings. I occupied other roles, such as Chief Operating Officer, Senior Finance Business Partner, and Regional Head: Personal Loans. All these positions were based in the Central Region (Bloemfontein). I am currently the Regional Head: Sales and Service Enablement of the Central Region, responsible for the Free State, Northern Cape and Northwest.

Tell us more about your role at Absa and how you work with entrepreneurs – what does it entail?

I am the Regional Head: Sales and Service Enablement, managing a team that is responsible for enabling sales and ensuring world-class customer service in the region. In terms of the entrepreneurs, we share the same passion as the Lionesses of Africa, and that is a passion about women entrepreneurship in Africa and supporting the start-up dreams of all women on the continent. We stay close to our philosophy to share growth, which means looking out for opportunities for our entrepreneurs and for the communities in which we live and work, so that they can thrive, because we know that when society prospers, we all do. We don’t only lend our ears to the amazing women entrepreneurs’ stories, but we also support them by partnering with them, understanding their businesses on an individual basis and aiding in solving some of the most pressing societal issues that our country faces by creating opportunities for us all to grow together.

A Relationship Banker has a key role to play in the business life of a woman entrepreneur – what kind of support and services do Absa offer to women entrepreneurs in the Lionesses of Africa community?

We have come to accept that SMEs are a major contributor to the economic growth of our country and of the African continent. They are the engines of job creation and growth in emerging markets that are central to wider development efforts. We therefore equip them with business knowledge and access to finance to enable growth and development. We offer products such as Absa Women Empowerment Finance (AWEF) and Alternate Lending Solutions, among others. These offers have been and continue to be open to the public as part of our commitment to entrepreneurship development in the communities in which we operate.

Do you have any advice to share with women entrepreneurs who are in growth mode and want to establish good working relationships with an expert such as yourself at Absa?

Women entrepreneurs must come together to talk about what affects them and how to grow. They should remind themselves that they are powerful, and their power is ever-present. My advice to these phenomenal women is that you are not alone in your quest to selflessly serve your customers. There are multiple stakeholders with an active interest in your success as a business and cooperative. It is in the interest of the government; us, as a bank; and our customers that you succeed. In creating a vibrant economy, your success will be paramount. Acquire solid, objective advice and support and contribute to our national goal of growing the economy. I will be here to link you to professional advisers in Absa who will be helping you to take your businesses to the next level. I am looking forward to networking with you, understanding your businesses and ensuring that you are given proper solutions. There is no limit to what you can accomplish as a women entrepreneur – when you go low, we go high.

What gives you the most satisfaction in your role as a Relationship Banker?

The most satisfying thing in my role is when we are an active force for good to bring possibility to life for our women entrepreneurs.

What is a single piece of advice in terms of managing business finances that you would give to women who are interested in starting up in business?

It is easy to become eager when working to accomplish or complete a goal. It is therefore crucial that you redefine your ideas and make sure that you are clear on what you want to accomplish. We, at Absa, understand the unique needs of women entrepreneurs. We enable women-owned businesses in the corporate and public sector supply chains to realize their ambitions to be formidable players in the economy.

Absa has designed bespoke solutions to facilitate:

We provide tailor-made mentorship programmes aimed at assisting women-owned businesses with financial needs. We provide financial education for women-owned businesses so that they can plan and handle their business finances and be funding-ready.

How can women entrepreneurs contact a special Relationship Banker such as yourself at Absa in their own region? Where should they start?

I am going to be your key entry point in the Central Region to ensure that you are linked to the correct financial adviser to get the proper solution. “Together we stand, and divided we fall”.

To contact Maureen, see her details below:

Maureen Ntsane

Regional Head: Sales and Service Enablement – Central Region

Contact details:

T   +27 (51) 406 4713

+27  71 687 8692

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