Sara Bouazza, a Moroccan entrepreneur providing web services to small businesses
Sara Bouazza, founder of SOSdigital (Morocco)
Startup Story
For those small businesses in Morocco that are looking to digitize their product and service offerings, Sara Bouazza, founder of SOSdigital, has the solution. She has a range of virtual digital platforms that provide showcase opportunities for those clients who are trying to connect with key markets.
LoA found out more about this enterprising business from founder Sara Bouazza this month.
Tell us a little about yourself
My name is Sara Bouazza, and I am the founder of the SOSdigital startup. I offer web services for small businesses in the process of digitization. I also offer my virtual digital platforms to customers to showcase their products and allow them permanent visibility 24/7. I want to develop my startup to make a significant turnover and include young graduates into the entrepreneurial ecosystem. I am 31 years old, I was born in Mohammedia region of greater Casablanca, I am preparing a doctoral thesis in political science and international relations and I am linked to several research centres in public policy and sustainable development.
Sara Bouazza est fondatrice de la sturtup sosdigital, j’offre des services de web pour les TPME en cours de digitalisation, je propose aussi mes plates formes digitales virtuelles aux clients pour mettre leurs produits et leurs permettre une visibilité permanente H24 et 7/7, je souhaite développer ma sturtup pour passer à des chiffres d’affaires importants et insérer des jeunes diplômés dans l’écosystème entrprenarial.
“I offer web services for small businesses in the process of digitization.”
What does your company do?
Website creation, development of mobile applications and business management software, design, and design of logos.
La création des sites Web et le développement des applications mobiles et les logiciels de gestion commerciale, la conception et le design des logos.
What inspired you to start your company?
I am a determined woman and I love to take up challenges. I am from a modest background, and I carry within me this spirit of courage and perseverance. The idea of founding a company to promote other projects has always interested me since my childhood, because I believe that the autonomy of the woman allows her freedom and well-being.
Je suis une femme déterminé et j’adore relever les défis, je suis native d’un milieu modeste et je porte en moi cet esprit de courage et de persévérance, l’idée de fonder une entreprise à coter d’autres projets m’a toujours intéressé depuis mon enfance, car je crois que l’autonomie de la femme permet son émancipation et son bien être..
“I offer my virtual digital platforms to customers to showcase their products and allow them permanent visibility 24/7.”
Why should anyone use your service or product?
High-performance technical know-how, attractive prices, guaranteed after-sales service, and our honesty with our customers.
Le savoir faire technique performant, les prix sont attractifs, service après vente assuré, être honnête avec les clients.
Tell us a little about your team
I am alone but I work with brilliant and competent collaborators and subcontractors who are gifted and who respect the set objectives.
Je suis seule dans le projet mais je travaille avec des collaborateurs et des sous-traitants géniaux et compétants, doués qui respectent les objectifs fixés.
Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And do you come from an entrepreneurial background?
I was an employee for 5 years in training and education in a mental arithmetic school which belongs to a Malaysian franchise group in Morocco. I did not want to stay as an employee all my life, so I decided to start entrepreneurship with my micro-enterprise. I completed a course of economic and legal studies so I can mobilize all my knowledge to realize my entrepreneurial dream.
J’étais salarié pendant 5 ans dans les formations et l’éducation dans une école de calcul mental qui appartient à un groupe malysien franchise au Maroc, et je voulais pas rester toute ma vie salarié donc j’ai décidé d’entamer l’entreprenariat avec ma micro-entreprise, j’ai un parcours d’études économique et juridique j’ai mobiliser toutes mes connaissances pour réaliser mon rêve d’entrepreneure.
What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?
Produce agro-food products and sell them on my virtual digital platforms.
Produire des produit agro-alimentaire et les vendre sur mes plates formes digitales virtuelles.
“The idea of founding a company to promote other projects has always interested me since my childhood, because I believe that the autonomy of the woman allows her freedom and well-being.”
What gives you the most satisfaction being an entrepreneur?
I enjoy what I do, I learn every day, I challenge myself to improve.
J’apprécie ce que je fais, j’apprends chaque jour, je me défis pour s’améliorer.
What’s the biggest piece of advice you can give to other women looking to start-up?
I advise women of all ages to start their small business and grow it day by day and believe in themselves. I also advise them to face all the obstacles that will make this task difficult.
Je conseille les femmes de tout âge de commencer leur petite affaire et l’accroitre jour après jour et croire en eux, je leures conseilles aussi de faire face à tout les obstacles qui vont rendre cette tâche difficile.
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Why LoA loves it….
A startup business always has a better chance of success when the founder is passionate and committed to their vision. In the case of Sara Bouazza, that vision was to take her digital skills and know-how and create a business that not only helps others to reach their key markets, but also to empower other young graduates to become entrepreneurs. Sara is a role-model for other tenacious, ambitious women in Morocco who want to empower themselves through business. — Melanie Hawken, founder & ceo, Lionesses of Africa
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