Fatim Marina Keita, an entrepreneur and accessory designer from Cote d’Ivoire combining modern and traditional design — Lionesses of Africa

Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And do you come from an entrepreneurial background?

Yes, my inspiration came from my father and his career as an entrepreneur; having learnt by his side, I quickly associated his practical lessons with my artistic passion.

Oui , Mon inspiration est née de mon père et son métier d’entrepreneur; ayant appris à ses côtés, j’ai vite associé ses enseignements pratiques à ma passion artistique.

What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?

My future aspiration is to add two strings to my bow. The first is to create an accessory line for children, and the second is to be able to export my creations and participate in international exhibitions.

Mon aspiration futur est d’ajouter une deux cordes à mon arc. La première est de créer une ligne d’accessoire pour Enfant et La seconde est de pouvoir exporter mes créations et participer à des expositions internationals.

What gives you the most satisfaction being an entrepreneur?

My satisfaction is all the greater insofar as my customers are interested in creations of traditional modern accessories from our region. Above all, I am satisfied that my clientele is predominantly female.

Ma satisfaction est d’autant plus grande dans la mesure où ma clientèle s’intéresse à des créations d’accessoire tradi- moderne issue de notre terroir. Par dessus tout, satisfaite que ma clientèle s’érige majoritairement en la gente feminine. 

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