Empowering Somali Women Entrepreneurs Through Income Generating Activity – Forum for African Women Educationalists: FAWE

By FAWE Somalia

My name is Saynab Mohamed Diriye and I am 31 years old. I am Married and I have Seven Children, I dropped out of school in the year 1999 and I have never gotten the opportunity to proceed any further.

I have a small business, a shop, in waciye district of the Kar-kaar region of puntland. A lot has changed for me in just a few short months. FAWE Somalia (FAWESOM) provided all kinds of support. Their training, advice and monitoring activities help me in running a successful business.

At first, I was very afraid about this business, but the FAWESOM workers motivated me, saying that selling these things is always profitable. Once a month, FAWESOM visits my place to provide necessary advice and to evaluate how I spend the money.

My small shop serves approximately 100 people in my village. This is like a dream come true because just a year ago, I could not imagine that I would be running a successful business.

Gender inequality and illiteracy rates are very high among girls and women in Somalia. A vast majority have few opportunities in the labor market and have lower economic empowerment when compared to men.

However, this has been changing in recent years. Thanks to projects like Employment and Entrepreneurship Skills Development for unemployed youth project (CIVSAM), there are now opportunities for more women to actively participate in development issues. This is giving them jobs that were traditionally reserved for men, such as running small businesses.

Nowadays, I am very fine with the help of almighty Allah, my children go to school to learn. A few years ago, we are unable to eat properly, now I can earn, save, and spend money by myself. I can provide support for my female relatives. I am not a dependent woman because of my income activity. I am very happy with my life. I thank FAWESOM for helping me.

Saynab is one of the beneficiaries of CIVSAM Project that was selected in 2019. This program provided small cash grants to help women start small businesses and support themselves. She received US $ 300.00 as a startup fund from FAWESOM which she used to set up a small business shop. 

The Employment and Entrepreneurship Skills development for Unemployed Youth program implemented FAWESOM helps 200 women in Badhan Sanaag region, Waaciye kar-kaar region and Dangoroyo Nugaal region start their own businesses. It provides each woman with small a grant, with the hope that their new business will generate much more income in time. The program is supported by the Diakonia. 

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