A short story and a lesson in Marketing, Advertising and Design — Lionesses of Africa

by Claudia Folgore-McLellan 

My business, Visual 8, was once recommended to a potential client through social media. When I made contact with this potential client and had quoted for the work requested in the initial brief, I received the following email question: “How does what you offer compare with what I can get online for half the price? This question is a very common one I’ve come across when dealing with entrepreneurs who have a stringent budget to work with for their start-up. My response to this question is pretty standard by now, pointing out a few truths in the matter and the key factor is PROFESSIONALISM.

The sites offering pools of, often unskilled designers, that are hungry for $5 are not entirely upfront with their costing. Read the small print, the final files that you will receive on your chosen design may cost you an additional $20 and then that file may be in the incorrect format for your use in the long term. These are things a professional in the industry, like myself, will advise you on. There have also been a number of instances where stolen artwork has been sold via these platforms and the risk of duplicate branding is not only damaging to your business but it’s not an ethical mode of practice.

Freelancing platforms like Fiverr bring together freelancers from countries across the world – but sadly their arrangements with the freelancers are not attractive enough for professional, experienced designers. What the designer is paid from the fees offered is often not even close to a market related fee. In this case it becomes a sausage factory for design, where designs are whipped up ahead of time and pitched if they vaguely match the brief.

A personal relationship is key in the development of your brand, where the designer is aware of your target market, your vision, your marketing plan and the hopes you have for your business are all necessary steps for successful, meaningful and strategic branding and design.

My response to the question yielded some very positive feedback, “Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my query and with so much detail. Doing that has placed you in a league way above your competitors. Please find attached signed quote. I’ll await your lead on the next steps.”

If you are a solopreneur, entrepreneur or owner of a retail or corporate business and would like to know more about how you can leverage your brands’ potential, get in touch with me. I am able to offer retainers for clients who have a need for ongoing design, branding or advertising requirements at accessible pricing with payment terms suitable to your budget.

Email me at hello@visual8.co.za and visit my website at www.visual8.co.za to know more.

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