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How Digital Transformation is driving Disruption in Wealth Re-Distribution — Lionesses of Africa

by Nkemdilim Uwaje-Begho I spent yesterday evening talking to my friend and leading wealth coach in Nigeria, Abiola Adekoya, on her maiden edition of Disruptors with Abiola Adekoya, an IG LIVE series focused on Disruptors, Industry Trends, Wealth Creation and how to navigate the 21st century with all its quirks and kinks. Our topic was How […]

Close Shop

by Safiyyah Boolay-Jappie Gone are the days when we clocked into our work day in the morning and clocked into the rest of our lives in the late afternoon. There was a clear separation between home life and work life and we could attend to the different parts of our lives without it being contaminated […]

What Exactly is Media Relations? — Lionesses of Africa

by Felicity Cowie, The Media Relations Coach Media relations is frequently muddled up with public relations and that is very unhelpful for businesses seeking media coverage. Fundamentally, media relations is about working with journalists. Whilst the intention is to ultimately reach the public (be it customers, investors, talent or the world at large) via media […]

Part of growth – African Farming

Farmers must grow or face the walls of the poverty trap. Keith Middleton and his son Kyle, who run a mixed farming operation in Jacobsdal, have a clear vision to grow their business, increase their rights to irrigation water and ultimately to hold title to their farm African Joy.  Despite the enormous challenges farmers face, […]

Plan before you grow your business – African Farming

Irrigation farmer Kyle Middleton continuously works on growing the farming operation he runs with his parents, Jacqui and Keith, outside Jacobsdal in the Free State. They have expanded their business by setting goals and taking concrete steps to implement them. However, growth may be more complex than farmers realise and must be controlled to be […]

Managing growth in livestock – African Farming

“Get big or get out” is a common call among farmers that may not necessarily be true. Herd and flock expansion is the most common way to grow a livestock operation, but niche markets also offer positive opportunities for growth. Focusing on continuous improvement in management and innovation are other ways of growing your profit.  […]

Growth despite challenges in agriculture – African Farming

Farmers face many challenges in farming such as unpredictable weather, disease, and theft but despite the challenges growth still needs to take place. African Farming presenter Tony Ndoro discusses the topic of growth in farming despite challenges with Johann Vosser, MD of Vleissentraal Bosveld along with Ratselane Marumo, Afrivet Business Management, Sales and Marketing Manager […]