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Solutions and growth through finance partners – African Farming

Finance empowers farmers to grow their businesses. The farmer’s relationship with the bank and other financial institutions is central to any operation. The farm financier works around the broader challenges in the agricultural environment, ranging from climate change to high input costs, and the specific difficulties unique to every farmer.  Partnerships between the finance sector […]

Partnerships power family farms – African Farming

The agricultural value chain – from the farmers who produce our food down to the people who consume it – is built on partnerships. Family farming, in turn, is founded on productive partnerships in which farmers co-operate and collaborate with family, neighbours, banks, suppliers, buyers and markets. Tony Ndoro, presenter of African Farming, says there […]

A footprint in forestry – African Farming

Forestry is often overlooked as a form of agriculture but is in essence tree farming at its best. To succeed, one needs patience and a very good sense of long-term planning. It’s a sector in which Mlungisi Bushula has found his feet since 2013. Engela Duvenage writes about the 32-year old’s business plans, which now […]

Helping farmers help themselves – African Farming

There are partnerships at every level of farming, as African Farming presenter Tony Ndoro explains, but no collaboration is more far-reaching than the relationship between farmer and vet. In this bond, both parties must fully trust each another in their joint commitment to animal health and disease treatment and prevention. Vets and farmers engage in […]

Panel experts chat partnerships in agriculture – African Farming

African Farming presenter Tony Ndoro chats about partnerships in farming with Managing Director of AFGRI’s Lemang Agricultural Services Praveen Dwarika along with Afrivet’s Learnership Manager Siyanda Mabaso, Nico Groenewald, Head of Agribusiness at Standard Bank and Lize-Marie de Klerk, who is the Livestock Marketing Agent for Vleissentraal, Onderstepoort. Source link

Make the most of marketing livestock – African Farming

The livestock market and its associated value chain is said to be the largest agricultural market in South Africa. Auction houses and livestock companies like Vleissentraal provide farmers with access to this market and are key role players in keeping the sector buoyant.  “We are the first line between farmer and buyer,” says Lize-Marie de […]

The secret you need to succeed in life

by Josefa Massinga  Hello Lionesses. Today I am writing about being successful in life, not that what I’m going to write is really the path to success in life. But I believe that from what I’m going to write it can help each of us to find some light. I believe we are all successful […]

She Thinks Like a Boss

Book Review If you are a woman entrepreneur who wants to build a successful mindset for positive thinking, growth and banish limiting beliefs, then She Thinks Like a Boss: Business Affirmations: 200 Affirmations for Women in Business, Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs by Jemma Roedel is just what you need to read. Breaking into business is hard, and […]