Bertha Kgokong, a serial techpreneur from South Africa developing software applications and platforms — Lionesses of Africa

Startup Story

Skhokho is a software development company based in South Africa and launched by tech entrepreneur Bertha Kgokong. Bertha is a self taught developer who graduated with an Engineering degree in 2003 and has spent over 15 years in corporate. Her entrepreneurial journey started in 2017, where she founded Tati Software. Since then she has created numerous software applications, and also runs an online tech learning platform called Skolo – where she provides free programming lessons on Youtube, and some paid courses on her website

LoA spoke to Bertha Kgokong this month to learn more about her journey to becoming a software developer and techpreneur.

What does your company do?

Custom software development services, including software we developed called Skhokho. Skhokho is a Business Management Software created for SMEs to help them manage their day to day business functions such as HR, Goal Setting, Project Management, Accounting and Sales. It is an integrated cloud-based platform, that was created to simplify and de-mistify the use of software products (SaaS) for SMEs.

What inspired you to start your company?

I wanted to build something that would be greater than me, something that would outlast me on this earth, something that would remain long after I am gone and people would say: “Bertha built that, the first cloud software product from South Africa that went international”. I want to inspire many more to follow in my footsteps and go in to tech, build things – this is why I try to teach everything I know, make it available out there for anyone to pick up and run with.

What makes your business, service or product special?

It is a first that combines multiple software products into one simple tool. We are also targeting SMEs, which is often an overlooked segment in software development. Big companies want to work with other big companies who can afford their products, we specifically want to make products that are attractive and affordable for small companies.

Tell us a little about your team

I have been alone for the majority of my journey, I recently brought in a junior developer, an African Female straight from university. So my team is now two women.

Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And, do you come from an entrepreneurial background?

I started my career in corporate in 2004. I tried entrepreneurship earlier on in my career, in a venture that was not successful – that was in 2008. I later went back 100% in to full time employment until 2017. I was planning my business from my lessons learned from my first failed venture. Those lessons were: 

  1. Build something that is scalable, that can work even when you are on holiday.

  2. Plan your finances well, save enough money.

  3. Make sure you are debt free.

In 2017, I had gathered enough courage to try again and never looked back.

What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?

I would like to grow Skhokho into a global software company. We already have users from across the world on our platform, but it’s still very early days. I would like to be what is generally referred to as a “unicorn” start-up. I believe we have the right product and market to make it happen.

What gives you the most satisfaction being an entrepreneur?

Owning my time and being able to build tools that are meaningful to me. It’s important to use my resources and energy to create what I want to create. I also love teaching and imparting knowledge. When I started my career, I used to teach on Saturdays at a high school in Secunda, mentoring young girls and encouraging them to choose engineering. Perhaps I managed to teach between 10-20 kinds in the space of a year. I can now teach 70 students in an hour from the YouTube videos I create. The content is always available and can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Being an entrepreneur has afforded me the ability to be able to do what I love, while building an amazing product at the same time.

What’s the biggest piece of advice you can give to other women looking to start-up?

Start now, the earlier you start, the better. The sooner you start, the faster you fail, learn and grow.

Contact or follow Skhokho

To find out more about Skhokho and its products and services, contact Bertha Kgokong via email: or visit the company website: and social media platforms:


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