Jazeera Suwani, a serial entrepreneur creating vacation bush experiences in Lesotho — Lionesses of Africa

What inspired you to start your company?

Looking at a property that had all the potential to become a holiday destination for a lot of people out there, my brother and I decided to put in resources and refurbish whatever we could to create a space for any tourist, local or international, to be comfortable and feel at home. We thought, how many times do you come back from a vacation feeling tired, because you aren’t able to break away from your daily routine? Even on vacation, you still have to wake up early and have breakfast, lunch and dinner on time. You still follow the same routine that you have at home. At Drunken Elephant Mara, we allow guests to breathe and relax without the pressures of your everyday routine.

Why should anyone use your service or product?

Staying in the African wilderness, with a small fence separating you from the wildlife and only a tent to shelter you, might sound foolhardy, but that’s the unique and thrilling buzz of a safari. Safaris are so often associated with luxury lodges, sundowners and slick service alongside the wildlife, but there is another way: #thedrunkbreak. This is your chance to get supremely close to nature – elephants might stroll through the camp and you will enjoy the nightly roars of lions or laughs of the hyena. It is one of the very few camps, where one of the co-owners is always on site to cater to the guests needs.

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