Your personal vision ignites greatness — Lionesses of Africa

The power of a personal vision is it helps you direct your energy to what you want, it gives you focus, and clarity and it helps you make wiser decisions when you reach a conflict of priorities. You go in the direction of your vision instead of being misaligned to who you really want to be. What do you see and how far do you see? Both questions relate to your personal vision. Every great founder, leader and entrepreneur who has made a difference started with a personal vision.

What do you see?

It depends where you are looking. Are you looking around you or are you looking within you? Look within you for wisdom and direction, this is your greatest asset to building a life you are proud of and building a business of impact. When you are living from a vision that comes from within you, (that no one else sees) it’s important to be in an environment that will provide space for you to live out that vision of being who you are. When you look around and are surrounded by others who are living their personal visions it inspires and ignites that spark to keep going on your chosen journey.

How far do you see?

A personal vision will motivate you to go as far as you can.  “Go as far as you can see and when you get there you will see further.” This is also known as being in the stretch zone – a zone where you have no idea how you will get there but you know that you want to be there. Often how far you go is dependent on how far you can see! When you take the steps to move, you are being equipped to see the next steps of how your vision is unfolding.

Bill Hybels says it so well that, “Vision is a picture of the future that produces passion.”

When you lose your passion and your energy, it could mean that you are disconnected from your vision of who you want to be and what you see. This is another reason to keep reviewing your vision daily to keep that fire of ambition growing within you to move closer to your goal.

Four practical ways to ignite your personal vision is to:

  1. Surround yourself with people who are making their visions a reality

  2. Read about founders and entrepreneurs who overcame obstacles and their journey

  3. Go to a place of silence or a place of inspiration to shut out the noise of survival and get into creation of dreaming again.

  4. Find a coach who can partner with you to explore more questions on our personal vision and together ignite your passion through self-awareness and look at what inspires you and who you are becoming.

Three decisions to make to ignite that personal vision:

  1. Re-ignite your vision again

  2. Review your vision daily

  3. Create a new vision if it is not who you want to become

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