Rokhaya Diop, an entrepreneur building a new approach to customer service evaluation in Senegal  — Lionesses of Africa

What does your company do?

NoterKo specializes in customer service quality evaluation, data collection and capacity building. In 2018, we launched a platform where users can rate the quality of the customer service for private and public companies. The objective is to allow the clients to give feedback and see what other users think about the customer service of a company. It will help the company to collect data to measure their customer’s satisfaction.

What inspired you to start your company?

My partner Nancy and I really wanted to make a difference in the population’s well-being. We both had a lot of bad experiences regarding customer service here in Senegal. In 2009, I got sick and bad customer service almost killed me when I had to go to the hospital. The customer service was just terrible. I was lucky because there are many stories of patients who died because they were poorly managed by the doctors or the health agents. The poor customer service is spread in all the fields: banks, restaurants, health, insurance, transportation, etc.  So we wanted to tackle this problem by allowing clients to rate and give comments. That way the companies will see their ratings and improve the quality of their customer service to have a better reputation from the customers.

Why should anyone use your service or product?

Our platform is the first online platform to rate customer service in west Africa. For the first time, users can easily evaluate companies and give comments.

Tell us a little about your team

We have a wonderful team made up of people who are very talented. Our common goal is our desire to make our contribution to the development of our country and improve people’s lives by using technology.

Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And do you come from an entrepreneurial background?

We started working on the NoterKo idea in 2017. We submitted our project to a national agency specializing in funding women and young people to help them create their company. We were selected and obtained a fund which helped us to create the company NoterKo and started our activities. The journey was not easy due to the challenging business environment and also because our product is quite new in the market.

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