Switching Careers In Your 30’s? It Could Be Your Best Idea Ever – Here’s Why

If there’s one thing we’ve learned in life, it’s that it’s never too late to make a change. When you’re in your 30s, you might become interested in changing career paths. Maybe you’ve devoted years to the same industry, and you’re just not feeling fulfilled anymore. Many of us choose a career while we’re still at school and picking our A-level or secondary school subjects, then before you know it you’re packing your bags and heading to university, leaving three years later armed with a university degree and unwavering optimism that you’ll end up in a job that you love.

Many of us spend our 20’s working our way up, changing jobs and exploring new opportunities to see what exactly we like, what we’re good at and what we want to do. By the time our 30’s come around, our priorities and goals have somewhat changed as have the things we hold dear. Your goals and aspirations have moved in a different direction and now you’re not a fresh-eyed and bushy-tailed 22-year-old, eager to do something…anything. Now, you’re entering your 3rd decade and sometimes fear can keep you from course correcting , especially if your current job or occupation prays pretty well. If you cannot stop thinking about changing course and taking a leap of faith, believe us when we say, you’re not alone. The good news is, it’s never too late to make a change. It may be scary but there’s no better time to make a major career change than in your 30’s. 


Here are 3 reasons why it could be the best decision you have ever made!


You might earn better money and benefits.

You may discover that you are eligible to earn even more money by changing careers in your 30s. The starting salary in some industries could be more than an advanced salary in another industry and, if you are changing sectors, you may be eligible for bonuses and find there’s more opportunity for promotion and raises. You may also get lucky with more generous vacation allowance, health insurance and annual leave policies which will serve you better in the long-run.


You offer more diverse skills.

While you may not have specific experience in your new field, you may have the unique skills that they require. Having amassed over a decade’s worth of work experience in various roles, it’s likely that you have gained life skills as well as practical skills that you have learned on the job. Your reputation will also precede you as you will hopefully have a stellar employee and attendance record which will work in your favour. Sometimes, it’s these qualities that are more valuable than experience in a certain field.


A new career can infuse energy into your work life.

Some of the most common reasons for changing jobs is feeling unsatisfied, unchallenged and unfulfilled in one’s current role. You may be reluctant to wake up in the morning and not looking forward to going into the office and that’s when you know it’s time for a change. If you’re uninspired or feeling professionally stunted in your current role then you have no choice but to make the leap. Starting a new job can breathe new life into you; it can be exciting and motivating. A new challenge can be just what you need to go from dreading waking up in the morning to springing out of bed, ready to seize the day. 

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