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The key to profitable performance – African Farming

A common purpose and effective communication are crucial to good succession planning in agriculture. Family succession has a positive effect on profit and the financial performance of a farming business, as the asset value depends heavily on continuity.  There is a natural progression in the handover of technical agricultural skills from one farming generation to […]

Strategise succession planning – African Farming

The family farm remains the backbone of agriculture worldwide. It is a successful model capable of securing food supply to regional and national communities. But it needs maintenance, and planning for succession is a critical element of that maintenance. A farmer’s reputation, perhaps especially when it comes to livestock, is a significant component of his […]

Plan your exit strategy – African Farming

In the process of drawing up a succession plan, the farm business operator may benefit from the help of trained experts who have experience in the farm management, legal, financial, tax and commercial lending sectors.  Farmers should not assume there will be someone standing in the wings ready to take over when they decide to […]

Success in family farming – African Farming

Farming seems to come easily to Gopolang Tladinyane and his sons, Motlapele and Reaobaka, who are happily dedicated to their family team and to their farming business. Gopolang knows the value of early learning in agriculture and finance, and has made his boys profit-sharers in the business. The Tladinyanes ‘talk farming’ to Peter Mashala of […]

Winning principles in farm management – African Farming

Farmers need a wide range of management skills to run their businesses well. This management is at the heart of every successful farming operation. Establishing and implementing a system of sound management principles ensures sustainable businesses and a generational legacy.  The fundamental principles of farm management – crop management, spraying programmes, mechanisation, planting schedules – […]

Best practice at livestock auctions – African Farming

Every day animals are traded at sale venues across the country. In the formal sector, auction houses manage the livestock trade through their saleyards. Established auction house Vleissentraal holds about 1 700 auctions a year at its facilities, where agents and auctioneers work to get the best prices for buyers and sellers while ensuring the safety […]

Responsible veterinary product management – African Farming

Resistance to medication and treatments is a massive problem in animal and human health today. There is little doubt that at least some of this resistance has developed because of irresponsible and, in some cases, ignorant handling of veterinary products. Every livestock farmer bears the responsibility of taking this aspect of management very seriously. Livestock […]