1 Choice + 2 simple words is all it takes to be successful — Lionesses of Africa

by Lori Milner

“All overnight success takes about 10 years.” — Jeff Bezos

When you think about success, often it feels like it will come from one game changing decision or one significant event. Someone is finally going discover your talents or give you your big break. The problem with this way of thinking is that you are putting your happiness in the control of someone else’s hands, you are leaving your life up to external factors. When you keep waiting for things outside your influence to drive your sense of accomplishment, it tends to leave you despondent and feeling out of control. You are always future focused and this is where anxiety breeds so it’s definitely not a good strategy.

The path to success

“The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.” — Colin R. Davis

Success happens incrementally through the choices you make on a daily basis. It’s the practice of making good decisions moment to moment because each choice ultimately defines how you spend the next chunk of time. When you begin to take control of your decisions and not leave them to something or someone external, you begin to trust yourself and the more you trust yourself, the greater your self-confidence becomes. You cannot link your self-worth to someone else choosing you in order for you to believe in yourself or give you permission to pursue your dreams.

I am involved in a project for a client where they are providing one on one coaching to their entire team. The group is being split between myself and two other coaches. We had to do a session to introduce ourselves to the team and then they would select their preferred coach based on who they thought resonated most with their objectives. Let me tell you – I felt like I was back at a school in P.E (physical education) class where the team captain had to select people for their team. Do you remember that feeling of ‘please choose me so I’m not the last kid standing?’ Then you had to do the dreaded walk of shame on the way to join not because they chose you but because they never had a choice. I went right back there but with a difference.

I never tied my self-worth to how many people listed me as their first preference. I have an inherent confidence in myself and I know that the people who need me are going to be the ones who select me. It wasn’t about ego; it was about being of service. I never let the choice selection validate my worth as a coach and a human being.

I share this story because it took me a journey to get to this point. How many times do you put your happiness, self-worth and true ambitions in the hands of someone or something else?

The one decision that will define your success

“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”- Roy T. Bennett

If you want to be successful, you have one decision to make that will impact the trajectory of your day and ultimately your life. It is the decision to choose yourself. It is about making choices in your own best interest because you are worth it. Perhaps in the past you made certain choices because you felt you needed to do it for your partner or a parent but it probably didn’t turn out too well or you lacked the inherent internal motivation to persevere.

What does choosing yourself practically look like:

  • When your alarm goes off, do you hit snooze or get up and do that run you promised you would do?

  • When it’s 2PM and you still haven’t left your chair all day, are you going to give yourself a break or power through despite your fatigue?

  • Are you pushing through an extra episode of Netflix versus trying to get in an extra hour of sleep?

These choices don’t sound too drastic but consistency compounds. Through your daily choices, you are either consistently building up to a better version of yourself or steadily creating a more exhausted and stressed version of yourself. It’s the simple decisions that seem insignificant in the moment that can yield the largest impact. Taking that break after a good working session, even if 15 minutes will dramatically change how you spend the next hour. In that hour, you have given yourself the gift of a clear mind and focused attention. This gives you the platform to make progress on something. This is your micro win. The micro win gives you an opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge yourself. This floods you with dopamine which enables your brain to lock in the habit. The catalyst for this positive trajectory is you decided to choose you.

Here’s a really big question, at the end of the day I want you to ask yourself: Did I spend the majority of the day doing what I’m best at? I’ll let that one sink in. Either you spent the day on work that enables you to be your best self and contribute the most value. Essentially your life’s work. Or did you spend the majority of the day on busy work and other people’s urgencies? I know it may feel like you never had an option in the matter but you really do. Choose yourself and put your priorities first and when you have completed the task in question, then open the inbox and see what’s waiting. Think about it, if you consistently spend the day on busy work, you will consistently begin to resent the work you do. When you create meaning and derive joy from your work, you will change how you experience it. These choices are linked to actions but there is another set of choices you make daily – what to think.

Thoughts are things

“Choose your thoughts carefully. Keep what brings you peace and let go of what doesn’t. Happiness is only one thought away.” – Nishan Panwar

Research says we have between 12000 and 60000 thoughts per day and 80% are considered to be negative. Battling with guilt, shame, the inner critic and negative thoughts. But what is more disturbing is that these thoughts are repetitive. What thoughts are you conditioning into your mind on a daily basis? These thoughts become the story you tell yourself. Is your story about how you can’t do something, you’ll never get there, you’re an introvert, bad with numbers? Jim Kwik reminds us that if you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them.

Is your current story about how stressed you there are and there is no other way to work or experience your day? This is a big one because the story begins to affect your health in a serious way. This is when anxiety, burnout and even depression can begin to creep in. The problem with these kinds of thoughts is that again, you have the choice to either consistently grow you into the person you aspire to become or keep you at a limited version of yourself. Become aware of your labels, the words you use like I’m an anxious person, I’m going to hurry or quickly get something done’. On that note, become aware of the words you use to other people because you could innocently be placing huge pressure on them. In an interview I did with Bruce Daisley, author of The Joy of Work, he said avoid the word ASAP. It’s toxic and can really derail someone else’s day. You know what it does to you when that word appears in all caps and often in red – I need this done ASAP!

How exactly do you choose yourself?

“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”- J.K. Rowling

The way to choose yourself is by cultivating an attitude of an unconditional friendliness towards yourself. Think about your best friend or partner or that person in your life who is your absolute rock. What is it about them you love? It’s probably traits such as unconditional love, no judgement, kindness, empathy and compassion. So the question I pose to you is can you flip that? Can you demonstrate these qualities towards yourself? It requires you giving yourself permission to be nice to yourself and actually ensure you are allowing daily acts of kindness. It also entails that you begin a process of self-praise and acknowledgment of progress no matter how minor it may appear. If you chose a glass of water over the cool drink, celebrate that. If you made progress on a presentation you’ve been avoiding for some time – recognize it.

Choosing yourself means giving yourself space for self-care and committing to that time. It is treating the appointments with yourself with the same honour and respect you would anybody else. Not an attitude of ‘oh it’s just time for me’ so I’ll cancel it and do it another time’. This is about having a hard conversation with yourself and confronting how you are treating yourself currently.


“In the end that was the choice you made, and it doesn’t matter how hard it was to make it. It matters that you did.”- Cassandra Clare

The journey of personal growth isn’t an easy one but the most rewarding one. It’s called a practice for a reason. By choosing yourself, you are automatically upgraded to first class on the path to success. The great news is that it doesn’t have to take you 10 years to get there. It begins with one decision and it’s never too late to start.

Here’s to consistently choosing you,

Warm wishes

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The Key to Women’s Success — Lionesses of Africa

by Usha Maharaj

Following decades of research and spend on women empowerment, women still hold fewer leadership positions and earn less than their male counterparts. In keeping with the reflective theme of International Women’s Day which took place on 8 March 2021 #IWD2021, let us #ChooseToChallenge the key to women’s success.

While companies invest billions of US dollars annually in women empowerment initiatives, only 36% of senior private sector managers and public sector officials are women. And it will take approximately 99,5 years to close the overall global gender pay gap (World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report 2020). Turmoil and change resulting from the Covid-19 global pandemic served to highlight the unique leadership qualities of women in government and business while simultaneously intensifying gross levels of gender inequality.

Is it not wasteful and unsustainable for organisations to do what has always been done and to continue to accept the unsatisfactory results therefrom? 

Research suggests that employers should seek to understand the distinct workplace challenges of women and implement strategies to overcome them. Companies thus invest in forums, committees and surveys from which they create universal solutions. These solutions cannot take into account the uniqueness of each individual and often deliver weak results. Unless companies are showing good improvements in gender equality stats, they should #choosetochallenge how better to utilise these funds.

Various research reports assess problems faced by women: women lack confidence, are afraid to voice their opinions, shy away from the spotlight, are afraid of taking risks, and struggle to balance their work and family responsibilities. Well intended companies believe this to be true of their female workforce and rather than investing in the success of women, invest in solving the problems of women. These companies should #choosetochallenge their beliefs about women.  

Reward matters in the success journey of any employee, male or female. It is not surprising then that women are not enjoying the success of their male counterparts when they are rewarded differently. Gender pay gap is a reality. Organisations should #choosetochallenge their remuneration strategies and aim for equitable pay. 

As an organisation that is truly vested in women empowerment, take the opportunity this International Women’s Day to #Choosetochallenge how you are leading your company toward gender equality. If you are serious about women’s success, then consider how to hand back control of that success to the women in your organisation. Stop investing in generic programs and recognise that each woman is unique in her own right. Start investing in empowering women to take up the charge for themselves. The key to women’s success is not in controlling women on their journey to success, but in relinquishing control from organisations, committees and forums to the women themselves.

#Choosetochallenge your beliefs and acknowledge that, not only do women want to be successful but that, they can achieve the success they desire. If controlling the success of women in the workplace has not yielded positive results, then it is time to hand back control to the women in your company. The key to women’s success is promoting a mindset of personal development and self-belief, providing fair access to opportunities, encouraging women to aim high in their careers, equipping them with skills and expertise, paying them fairly and providing relevant and personalised mentorship and coaching along their journey.  

This article was first published in ASA, The Accountancy SA Magazine

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Become a Smart Investor — Lionesses of Africa

By Ronel Jooste 

Investments play a vital role in creating financial stability and adding muscle to your wealth portfolio. The more you can invest today, the stronger financial future you can create. To make smart investment decisions, you need to understand a few investment concepts and principles.

Educate yourself about investments and ensure you understand the basic concepts:

  • Compound interest – earning interest on interest.

  • Risk and Return – risk is defined as the uncertainty that an investor is willing to take to realize a gain from an investment knowing that a loss can be realized as well. Low risk is generally associated with lower returns and high risk with higher returns.

  • Risk profile of an investor – the level of risk an investor feels comfortable with.

  • Liquidity – how easily you can access your money or convert it into cash.

  • Investment period – investment products either have a shorter or longer term period attached to it.

  • Diversification – by investing your money in more than one investment type (for example cash, property, shares, endowment policies, etc.) or more than one fund you spread/minimize the risk.

Do proper research to understand the different investment options, products and platforms. Understand the fee structure, requirements, and penalties for early withdrawal as well as the fine print in the contract.

Don’t invest for the sake of investing or because you heard from somebody else who had a good experience about the investment product. What works well for somebody else might not work for you. Ensure that you choose an investment that caters for your needs.

Start small. It is a myth that you need lots of money to start investing. Look for investments with no or smaller minimum investment requirements and start building up your funds till you can invest in more sophisticated products with higher minimum investment requirements offering higher returns.

Investments take time to mature and render healthy returns. You need time for your investments to reach maximum growth and returns. A longer investment term yields higher returns and maximizes compound interest returns. Investments are less impacted by market volatility over the long-term.

Whenever you have excess cash available, transfer it out of your day-to-day bank account to an investment account. You receive very little interest on money in your day-to-day bank account and you will be tempted to use it.

Be willing to take some level of risk. If you don’t have excess money and are not willing to accept the risk of potentially losing it by investing in high risk investments, then rather stick to investment options with lower to medium levels of risk. If you are knowledgeable about the investment options and financial markets, you will feel more comfortable to take calculated risks. By having proper financial knowledge, you can manage the level of risk downwards.

Ensure you have a suitable, diversified investment portfolio;

Be disciplined. Be diligent and invest on a regular basis. Don’t be tempted to spend your investment money. Be patient and don’t panic when markets are going down, as they will recover.

Monitor your investments on a regular basis. Look for alternative investments if your investment is no longer performing. Know what is going on in the financial world, news, politics and economy and how this could potentially impact your investment decisions; and

Understand what the tax implications of your investments are and budget to pay those taxes. Investors often forget to take taxes into account when making investment decisions. The tax implications can make certain investments less attractive.

Start building your investment portfolio today.

To download your FREE Guide to Smart Property Investments:


We offer a R300 discount on both our Effective Budgeting and Master Investments 101 online courses to celebrate Money Smart Week South Africa.  

Effective Budgeting online course:


Master Investments 101 online course:


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Inga Sebata, a South African serial entrepreneur building clothing and hair salon businesses  — Lionesses of Africa

Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And do you come from an entrepreneurial background?

Honestly, launching StitchedByInga and Lathitha Hair Studio has been a dream come true. Growing StitchedByInga to what it is now, has been both challenging and rewarding. I’ve experienced some big wins and some lows, but I have both the determination and drive to keep going. I’m committed to seeing StitchedByInga reach greater heights, and through the good and not so good times, I’m committed. Lathitha Hair Studio is still a baby, so it’s going to need a lot of work and effort to grow, but I’m ready, along with my business partners – we were born ready!

What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?

The plan is to eventually open branches in all South African provinces, both for StitchedByInga and Lathitha.

What gives you the most satisfaction being an entrepreneur?

Seeing clients happy, there’s no feeling like that.

What’s the biggest piece of advice you can give to other women looking to start-up?

Keep going, failures and mistakes don’t mean your business is failing, it means you’re learning how not to do it. Keep learning and keep growing. Be open to criticism also, it can only make you a better person.

Contact or follow StitchedByInga

WEBSITE | INSTAGRAM | EMAIL info@stitchedbyinga.co

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Leading With Authenticity  — Lionesses of Africa

by Shatho Babitse 

Have you ever encountered an authentic leader? Someone whose voice resonates with their heart when they speak, to such an extent that you get goose-bumps? Someone who, even if you disagree with, you respect and seek to emulate? Well, I have. And it is truly a remarkable experience. 

It is no secret that Covid-19 has changed the world and altered the way we do business, go about our daily lives and connect with people. But, as we acclimate and adapt to the new normal, how can the important elements of leadership migrate, translate and evolve in this new world to ensure business longevity and success? Congruence between values and actions is one of the critical factors that motivate influential leaders to become their best self. In turbulent times, many leaders avoid sharing difficult truths. They sometimes offer false encouragement. Yet in trying situations, it’s even more imperative for leaders to have straightforward and truthful conversations with their team, effectively communicate early and often, and follow through on delivering set goals and targets. 

But what characterizes authentic leadership, and why is it a worthy pursuit? Here are a few traits of authentic leaders offered by Harvard Business School Professor Nancy Koehn:

To become more effective at motivating and guiding others, authentic leaders need to first focus on bettering themselves, Koehn says. Investing in yourself through such avenues as taking an online course can be a way to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to help your team thrive. Beyond bolstering your resume, participating in leadership training can enable you to build a network you can lean on as you continue to grow.

Another trait of an authentic leader as suggested by Professor Koehn is having a keen sense of self-awareness. Moreover, research shows companies that employ professionals who exhibit high levels of self-awareness tend to perform better. Through looking inward and engaging in self-assessment, you can not only gain a deeper understanding of your own emotions and beliefs, but improve your perception of those held by others.

In addition to this, research shows that having a deep and abiding commitment to a mission is integral to both authentic leadership and business success. According to a survey by EY and Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, 89% of executives said a sense of collective purpose drives employee engagement, and 84% said it leads to greater success in transformational efforts. Although identifying your mission can take time, it is a worthwhile pursuit.

When I think about all the effective and influential leaders I have met on my personal and professional spheres, each with their own unique styles and attributes, I can boldly conclude that the one trait that they all have in common, is Authenticity. 

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Know your audience — Lionesses of Africa

The music went viral, everyone was singing it, Radio Stations were inundated with requests for it (yes, an advert!), the image of hope and future within was grasped by all. Coke got a decade’s worth of free advertising each day leading them to donate a huge sum of money to UNISEF and…they had their global (and youth) audience (seen here).

Brian adds: “…advertising [became] more about larger themes about how it makes you feel..

Why is this important – to move from your product to a more ethereal feeling as a way of selling your product? The answer lies in finding and then bringing your audience on your journey. If they simply buy a Coke, that is one deal, but if they buy into the feeling of hope and future, that is a continuous relationship.

In the brilliant Netflix series entitled “The Playbook – A Coach’s Rules For Life.” “Know your audience” is the number one rule from José Mourinho. This world famous Football/Soccer coach certainly knows how to get the best out of his audience and his team. 

So why should ‘Know your audience’ be his number one rule? It is his strong belief that whatever you do, you must identify with your audience. If you identify with them, become part of them and they become part of you, it creates a ‘raison d’être’ that all can believe in, lifts up your team and allows them to reach for previously unknown levels knowing that what they are doing is for the ‘greater good’ of those around them. In Porto they say they ‘sweat your shirt’ through your passion as a supporter, later we look at South Carolina and there in the American Football Stadium the supporters say of the Upper East Stand “If it ain’t swayin’, we ain’t playin’” – and sways it does! With that kind of support teams can do anything.

Initially for José this required him to not buy top players. In Portugal as a young manager, he had to build up the local youngsters who would appeal to the home crowd. He knew his crowd were hard working people who did not like fancy players arriving with smart cars, but to see effort, sweat and drive and through that, success – it was after all what they themselves had been doing all their lives. The home crowd grew and grew. His youngsters repaid him by winning the league twice and the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Cup.

Also in this Netflix series we see the incredible Dawn Staley, a seriously top Basketball player in her own right – 3 Olympic Golds, 2 World Cups, inducted into the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame in 2012, she then turned her attention to coaching. Becoming the Head Coach of South Carolina (an American Football state), the first thing she did – the very first thing she pushed aggressively, was the crowd. She called it:

Create The Home Advantage.

Women’s Basketball was never the main event, empty halls greeted players everytime they took to the pitch – if they had 23 fans that was lucky. Come back later to watch the men’s game, you would be one of 18,000. Watch the American Football – remember the swaying Upper East Stand? You would be one of 85,000! Who wants to play in front of 23 people? In those conditions who wants to give their best. Indeed why would the best want to join her team if there was no atmosphere? So she rolled up her sleeves and got stuck in. Visiting the local communities, always at the local markets, going to the big games (American Football obviously) where she became well known…and her crowds started to grow. After games she would hang around talking to fans and having photos taken, slowly the tide turned, filling the stadium – 18,000 screaming fans!

“…we created a place where people feel truly special…when you make somebody feel special, they want to help you succeed.”

That is true of the Coke drinkers in 1971, that is true of the hard working gutsy workers who would follow José Mourinho to the ends of the earth, that is true of the Football loving South Carolina women’s Basketball supporters who took Dawn Staley into their hearts AND that is certainly true of our businesses. So how will you create a home team advantage? 

In one of Melanie’s morning newsletters this week, she wrote:

…develop your own product champions, those customers who love your products or services and are happy to share their positive endorsement in public through testimonials, interviews or social media posts. These product champions can also help you to generate new sales by acting as references and referrals when potential new customers need peace of mind and feedback from existing buyers. The chances are that your business has a number of potential product champions in the making, satisfied customers who love your products, services and brand, and would be happy to share their feedback. So start talking to them now and build your own product champion network who can do the talking for you.

A small effort on your part ‘creates a place where people feel truly special’, much like these inspirational Lionesses:

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Shamilah Damons, a South African data scientist helping companies with their digital solutions  — Lionesses of Africa

Impact Partner Content – Absa

Shammah Innovative Solutions is an information technology company based in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is an EME with 100% black women ownership and Level 1 B-BBEE rating. Shammah aims to provide digital solutions to small and large companies. Data is currently considered as any organisation’s most valuable commodity, and Shammah’s goal is to use intelligent data processing techniques to provide integrated business solutions that deliver accurate, efficient and timely results.

Shammah Innovative Solutions is one of the 117 companies showcased at the Absa Lionesses Xpo. Lioness Weekender spoke to founder Shamilah Damons about her experiences of building her IT business to date and her ambitions for the future. 

What inspired you to start your company?

When I started my career 15 years ago, I was one of a handful black female data scientist in a male dominated industry. I have always imagined the future with the likes of Shammah being established among the “Big Tech Companies”. To challenge the status quo, investing in the potential of young females and harvesting their skills. Since then I have been retrenched twice while being employed in the corporate environment. I realized that if I continued down the road of employment, my career and future would always be in the hands of someone else. I would have to take a stand and make tough decisions if I wanted to direct and grow my career in a volatile economy. This realization led to the birth of Shammah.

Why should anyone use your service or product?

Shammah authentic professionals have 15 years of experience in data science. With the owner involved in 80% of execution of projects, each client gets personal attention. Our resources have a Can Do, Know How and Everything is Possible attitude, delivering quality work, on time and in budget by adding value to any business.

Tell us a little about your team

The Shammah team consists of myself, the owner and vision bearer of the company and I am the one who holds the qualifications, skills and a wealth of experience in the IT (ICT) industry. I enjoy the support of close family and friends with a background in business who render advice and believe in the vision of Shammah. Currently, the administrative and financial functions of the business are outsourced to strategic partners through contracts and agreements.

Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And, do you come from an entrepreneurial background?

Reminiscing, when asked by my Grade 2 Teacher what I wanted to become when I’m a grown up, I would proudly reply: “I want to be an Entrepreneur.” Entrepreneur was a word I picked up from an article in my parents’ Reader’s Digest. As I grew up, this term was pushed to the back of my mind because as I studied towards a degree in Information Technology, we were told that a degree will secure a great job and future. Nonetheless, after two retrenchments, here I am building a childhood dream from years ago. 

Another influence on my entrepreneurial journey was my parents who provided catering services by cooking and baking for weddings and other small parties. This is where my love for baking started and to date it has evolved into one of my other business ventures. 

My entrepreneurial journey has been tough, long and lonely. Not many people are willing to validate your dreams. The onus rest on you to work hard and make a success of it. Our parents raised us by showing by example that quitting in life is not an option. This has pushed me to develop my business irrespective of how tough things get. I am focused and committed to develop Shammah into a success story.

What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?

To be an authentic, collaborative, world-class business. To assist young graduates with an opportunity to gain exposure and experience through internships. That way, Shammah can also benefit from the energy and vision of individuals who grew up in the technological age and understand the trends interesting the youth. This can also open new avenues for services and products in the ICT environment.

What gives you the most satisfaction being an entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur allows me to be in control of my career and my future. The current economic environment is one where there is a lot of focus on the empowerment of women. This provides ample opportunity for female entrepreneurs such as me to contribute to the economy while improving the socio-economic circumstances of the rest of the community. Women always care for others and as entrepreneurs, women can now build a legacy for their family and pay it forward to improve the lives and opportunities for generations to come. Entrepreneurship has made me stronger and better than when I started my career in the ICT industry

What’s the biggest piece of advice you can give to other women looking to start-up?

Never, ever STOP believing in yourself and your dreams. Remember your WHY!!! You will not know it all at once, you are going to make mistakes and fail. That is OK, because from the biggest failures the greatest achievements are born. 

Surround yourself with like-minded people, people who believe in you and in your dream. People who will support and uplift you when you don’t feel like pushing on.

To find out more about the work of Shammah Innovative Solutions, contact Shamilah Damons via email: info@shammahis.co.za or visit the company website and social media platforms: 


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Top 5 Wyoming Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021

Top 5 Wyoming Podcasts Contents [show] ⋅About this list & ranking Wyoming Podcasts Open Spaces What’s Your Why? Kids Ask Why? Submit Blog Do you want more traffic, leads, and sales? Submit your blog below if you want to grow your traffic and revenue. Submit Your Blog Wyoming Podcasts View Latest Episodes ⋅Get Bloggers Contacts 1. Open […]

The post Top 5 Wyoming Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021 appeared first on Feedspot Blog.

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Top 20 Evolution Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021

1. This Week In Evolution

This Week In Evolution

New York, United States About Podcast This Week in Evolution is a podcast on the biology of what makes us tick. Hosts Nels Elde and Vincent Racaniello take you through the new evolution that has been revolutionized by the field of genomics and molecular biology. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Dec 2015 Podcast microbe.tv/twievo
Facebook fans 30.6K ⋅ Twitter followers 78.2K ⋅ Instagram Followers 3.6K ⋅ Social Engagement 153 ⋅ Domain Authority 50 ⋅ Alexa Rank 985.1K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

2. Evolution Talk

Evolution Talk

About Podcast Everything you wanted to know about evolution by natural selection in short, easy to digest, episodes. Hosted, and produced by writer Rick Coste. Frequency 8 episodes / month Since Aug 2014 Podcast evolutiontalk.libsyn.com
Twitter followers 6 ⋅ Social Engagement 13 ⋅ Domain Authority 12 ⋅ Alexa Rank 5K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

3. Origin Stories

Origin Stories

San Francisco, California, United States About Podcast What makes us human? How are we different from chimpanzees? Who are our earliest ancestors and how do we know? Origin Stories is The Leakey Foundation’s podcast about how we became human. This award-winning show combines science and narrative to explore our human story and explain why we are the way we are. Listen and explore human evolution one story at a time. Frequency 4 episodes / month Since Apr 2015 Podcast leakeyfoundation.org/origins..
Twitter followers 170.5K ⋅ Domain Authority 54 ⋅ Alexa Rank 167.6K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

4. Evolution Soup

Evolution Soup

London, England, United Kingdom About Podcast Evolution Soup YouTube Channel & Audio Podcast – in association with Talk Beliefs YouTube channel – brings you interviews and information for everyday audiences on the fascinating facts of evolution and natural selection. Hosted by Mark. Frequency 6 episodes / quarter Since May 2019 Podcast feeds.buzzsprout.com/354743
Twitter followers 207 ⋅ Domain Authority 73 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.1K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

5. Origins & Evolution

Origins & Evolution

About Podcast The Origins & Evolution Podcast features hosts Dimitar Sasselov & Frank Laukien discussing the multiple potential origins of life, in conjunction with Harvard’s Origins of Life Initiative. Frequency 5 episodes / month Since Jun 2020 Podcast feeds.buzzsprout.com/1166930
Domain Authority 73 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.1K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

6. AnthroBiology Podcast

AnthroBiology Podcast

About Podcast The AnthroBiology Podcast sits down with biological anthropologists every other week to learn about what they do and why it’s rad. Want to know more about our evolutionary past? Or what your bones say about you? Maybe chimps are more your speed? If it’s anthropology and it’s about humans, we’ll cover it. Frequency 12 episodes / month Since Jan 2020 Podcast anthrobiologypodcast.libsyn.com
Twitter followers 173 ⋅ Social Engagement 58 ⋅ Domain Authority 7 ⋅ Alexa Rank 5K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

7. Palaeocast


United Kingdom About Podcast A free web series exploring the fossil record and the evolution of life on Earth. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Aug 2012 Podcast palaeocast.com
Facebook fans 4.2K ⋅ Twitter followers 6.2K ⋅ Instagram Followers 465 ⋅ Domain Authority 41 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.3M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

8. The Common Descent Podcast

The Common Descent Podcast

United States About Podcast Two paleontologists – turned-science-communicators chatting about the diversity of life: past and present! Frequency 1 episode / week Since Feb 2017 Podcast commondescentpodcast.podbean..
Facebook fans 477 ⋅ Twitter followers 1.4K ⋅ Social Engagement 10 ⋅ Domain Authority 86 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

9. Evolution (Audio)

Evolution (Audio)

California, United States About Podcast UCTV presents experts exploring the diversity of life on Earth and the evolutionary forces that shape it. Frequency 30 episodes / year Since May 2019 Podcast podcasts.google.com/feed/..
Twitter followers 6.1K ⋅ Social Engagement 1 ⋅ Domain Authority 86 ⋅ Alexa Rank 1 View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

10. The Evolution of Understanding

The Evolution of Understanding

About Podcast Your hosts discuss how our understanding of various topics have changed over time through evolution. Frequency 4 episodes / month Since Sep 2020 Podcast spreaker.com/show/the-evolut..
Twitter followers 3 ⋅ Domain Authority 89 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.5K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

11. Natural Curiosities

Natural Curiosities

About Podcast Spark your curiosity! What did the first person who found a fossil think of their discovery? What is a species? Who was Charles Darwin, really? The road to the body of scientific knowledge we now take for granted was a rocky one. Join science enthusiasts Megan Kraege and Melissa O’Connell as we share the strange and often hilarious stories of humankind’s journey to understand the natural world around us. Frequency 19 episodes / quarter Since Jan 2021 Podcast naturalcuriosities.buzzsprou..
Twitter followers 7 ⋅ Domain Authority 73 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

12. Bunch of Apes Podcast

Bunch of Apes Podcast

Exeter, England, United Kingdom About Podcast A layman’s journey of discovery in the world of Human Pre-History. Frequency 10 episodes / quarter Since Oct 2017 Podcast soundcloud.com/bunchofapes
Social Engagement 22 ⋅ Domain Authority 93 ⋅ Alexa Rank 131 View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

13. Evolution Impossible

Evolution Impossible

Australia About Podcast The question of where life originally came from intrigues everyone, no matter whether you are a 7-year-old girl or a distinguished professor. However, there are a variety of different theories about how life came about. In this series, we are will explore the biggest theory in the world today Evolution! Is it even possible? Join us as we discover the answer to this question. Frequency 16 episodes / year Since Feb 2020 Podcast listennotes.com/podcasts/evo..
Facebook fans 2.5K ⋅ Twitter followers 78 ⋅ Domain Authority 63 ⋅ Alexa Rank 12.3K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

14. Endling


About Podcast The sixth extinction is currently taking place. We are losing more species yearly than we have since the dinosaurs were wiped out. This podcast is one part history lesson, one part elegy, and one part cautioning tale for the future. Endling was started to spread awareness of these events and shed light on how often they are happening all around us. Each episode covers one species we’ve lost during the sixth extinction and highlights their evolutionary history and how they ended up becoming extinct. Frequency 30 episodes / year Since Jan 2020 Podcast endlingpodcast.podbean.com
Twitter followers 37 ⋅ Social Engagement 5 ⋅ Domain Authority 87 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

15. The theory of evolution

The theory of evolution

About Podcast In this podcast, a very special guest will join me so that we can discuss what the theory of evolution is. Put your seat belts on cuz this is gonna be a long ride! Frequency 3 episodes / quarter Since Feb 2021 Podcast anchor.fm/khadigaafifi
Domain Authority 83 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.6K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

16. CWE – The Theory of Evolution

CWE - The Theory of Evolution

About Podcast This is an informative podcast of the Theory of Evolution, we tell you everything you need to know from scientists all the way back to when they didn’t know DNA was a thing. Frequency 3 episodes / quarter Since Feb 2021 Podcast anchor.fm/eyelafernan
Domain Authority 83 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.6K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

17. Lights Of Evolution

Lights Of Evolution

About Podcast A podcast to share audios based on different topics of life sciences, useful for biology-enthusiasts. A podcast to create awareness about the beauty of biological sciences. Frequency 5 episodes / quarter Since Sep 2020 Podcast anchor.fm/lightsofevolution
Domain Authority 83 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

18. Evars’s Podcast

Evars's Podcast

About Podcast Human evolution has been through several stages, but seven different stages of mankind stand out. Note that paleontology is a science rife with emerging discoveries and that specifics about the timeline may change in the future, although the general scheme is well understood and accepted. Frequency 3 episodes / year Since Dec 2020 Podcast anchor.fm/evars-jonna
Domain Authority 83 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.6K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

19. Cardinal Podcast

Cardinal Podcast

About Podcast In the early 19th century, French scientist Georges Cuvier explained evolution through violent catastrophic events or ‘revolutions’ that had contributed to the extinction of old species and the development of species to replace them in the newly created environment. He based his theory on the discovery in the same place of fossils of different species. Frequency 3 episodes / quarter Since Dec 2020 Podcast anchor.fm/cardinal-joe
Domain Authority 83 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.6K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

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Top 35 Canadian Book Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021

1. The Word Leader Podcast

The Word Leader Podcast

Canada About Podcast The Word Leader Podcast is for undervalued thinkers who want to get their wisdom out in the world through book writing and publishing. Podcast host and founder of Trivium Writing Leandre Larouche discusses everything from strategy to tactics, to mindset and philosophy. Visit https://www.triviumwriting.com to get more details about Trivium Writing and watch our free, advanced masterclass on how to write your book in 16 weeks or less. Frequency 5 episodes / day Since Sep 2020 Podcast wordleaderpodcast.buzzsprout..
Twitter followers 36 ⋅ Domain Authority 73 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.1K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

2. The Biblio File hosted by Nigel Beale

The Biblio File hosted by Nigel Beale

Montreal, Quebec, Canada About Podcast THE BIBLIO FILE is one of the world’s leading podcasts about ‘the book’ and an inquiry into the wider world of book culture. Hosted by Nigel Beale it features wide ranging conversations with authors, poets, book publishers, booksellers, book editors, book collectors, book makers, book scholars, book critics, book designers, book publicists, literary agents and other certified bibliophiles. Frequency 8 episodes / week Since Mar 2006 Podcast thebibliofile.ca
Twitter followers 2.6K ⋅ Social Engagement 1 ⋅ Domain Authority 32 View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

3. Typical Books: Horror Fiction Booktube Unbound

Typical Books: Horror Fiction Booktube Unbound

Canada About Podcast Typicalbooks talks about horror fiction each week. You can tune in to this as a booktube series on YouTube, or here in audio. From new releases to classics, Lydia pulls from being a horror author and reader to bring you a digest of horror happenings. Frequency 4 episodes / week Since Mar 2020 Podcast anchor.fm/typicalbooks
Twitter followers 1.1K ⋅ Domain Authority 83 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

4. Keep It Fictional

Keep It Fictional

Canada About Podcast Keep It Fictional is a weekly podcast for book lovers, by book lovers. Build your TBR with Sadie, Liz, Virginia, Fiona, and Corene from the Port Moody Public Library. Warning! This podcast contains strong opinions and may cause an increase in your library holds list. Frequency 1 episode / day Since Sep 2020 Podcast anchor.fm/keepitfictional
Twitter followers 2.2K ⋅ Domain Authority 83 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

5. Best Book Club with Shanna and Jen

Best Book Club with Shanna and Jen

Canada About Podcast Two friends who can’t stop talking about all things books and reading. Join us here to add to the discussion, and make sure to tune in for weekly episodes! Frequency 1 episode / day Since Dec 2020 Podcast bestbookclub.ca/podcast-1
Social Engagement 1 ⋅ Domain Authority 1 View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

6. Two Book Bitches

Two Book Bitches

North York, Ontario, Canada About Podcast Two vaguely twenty-something-year-olds discuss reviews and bitch about books. Frequency 4 episodes / week Since Jun 2020 Podcast twobookbitches.com/podcast
Twitter followers 633 ⋅ Domain Authority 1 View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

7. Storykeepers Podcast

Storykeepers Podcast

About Podcast Storykeepers: Let’s Talk Indigenous Books is a monthly podcast hosted by Jennifer David and Waubgeshig Rice. Each month, they’re joined by a guest host to discuss books by First Nations, Métis, and Inuit authors. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Mar 2021 Podcast storykeeperspodcast.ca/index..
Domain Authority 11 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

8. The Read-Along: A Mini Book Club For Your Ears

The Read-Along: A Mini Book Club For Your Ears

About Podcast Taking you on a journey through a good book, one chapter at a time. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Dec 2018 Podcast readalongpod.blogspot.com
Domain Authority 18 ⋅ Alexa Rank 6.8M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

9. Stark Reflections on Writing and Publishing

Stark Reflections on Writing and Publishing

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada About Podcast Perspectives and reflections on the writing and publishing life. Mark Leslie Lefebvre, a writer, bookseller, digital publishing advocate, professional speaker, and publishing consultant explores inclusive and collaborative opportunities for writers and book publishing professionals via interviews, discussions, and reflections about the industry. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Jul 2019 Podcast markleslie.libsyn.com/website
Twitter followers 4.6K ⋅ Domain Authority 15 ⋅ Alexa Rank 5K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

10. Canada Reads from CBC Radio

Canada Reads from CBC Radio

Canada About Podcast The CBC’s great Canadian book debate returns. Five prominent Canadians have each selected the one book that they believe all of Canada should read. After each day’s debate, they will vote to eliminate one book, until only the winner remains. Frequency 4 episodes / month Since Mar 2019 Podcast cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-6..
Twitter followers 85.2K ⋅ Domain Authority 93 ⋅ Alexa Rank 1.3K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

11. Books Unbound

Books Unbound

About Podcast Unbinding books to get to their heart with Ariel Bissett and Raeleen Lemay! Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com and support the podcast on Patreon! Frequency 1 episode / week Since Oct 2019 Podcast anchor.fm/booksunbound
Domain Authority 83 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

12. LSHB’s Weird Era Podcast

LSHB's Weird Era Podcast

About Podcast A podcast run from a local indie bookstore in Montreal, Canada (Librairie Saint-Henri Books), dedicated to talking with the authors we stock. Hosted by Sruti Islam and Alex Nierenhausen Theme Songs by Gino Visconti and Michael Jaworski (@mikejaws) Audio Production by Kyel Loadenthal. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Feb 2021 Podcast snowy-dew-6832.fireside.fm/e..
Domain Authority 66 ⋅ Alexa Rank 50.9K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

13. Red Fern Book Review

Red Fern Book Review

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada About Podcast Latest book reviews, book recommendations and news from the publishing world. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Jan 2021 Podcast redfernbookreview.com
Domain Authority 3 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

14. 3 Books With Neil Pasricha

3 Books With Neil Pasricha

Toronto, Ontario, Canada About Podcast 3 Books is a completely insane and totally epic 15-year-long quest to uncover and discuss the 1000 most formative books in the world. Each chapter discusses the 3 most formative books of one of the world’s most inspiring people. Sample guests include Brené Brown, David Sedaris, Malcolm Gladwell, Angie Thomas, Cheryl Strayed, Rich Roll, Soyoung the Variety Store Owner, Derek the Hype Man, Kevin the Bookseller, Vishwas the Uber Driver, Roxane Gay, David Mitchell, Vivek Murthy, Mark Manson, Seth Godin, and Judy Blume. Frequency 3 episodes / month Since Mar 2018 Podcast threebooks.libsyn.com
Twitter followers 34.1K ⋅ Domain Authority 19 ⋅ Alexa Rank 5K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

15. Glass Bookshop Radio

Glass Bookshop Radio

About Podcast The official podcast of Edmonton’s Glass Bookshop. Tune in for interviews with our favourite writers, publishers, and readers. Frequency 2 episodes / month Since Oct 2020 Podcast glassbookshopradio.com/episodes
Twitter followers 2.3K ⋅ Domain Authority 6 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

16. Words with Writers Podcast

Words with Writers Podcast

Toronto, Ontario, Canada About Podcast Canadian Authors – Toronto is excited to present our new podcast about writers helping writers! Words with Writers Podcast showcases our members and their publication news, book launches, journal releases, and public readings. Each month we will feature a CA-T member on the show to read their work and discuss their process with hosts Chris Gorman and Brandi Tanner. Frequency 1 episode / month Since May 2020 Podcast canadianauthorstoronto.podbe..
Domain Authority 89 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

17. Canada Reads American Style

Canada Reads American Style

About Podcast A couple of American librarians near the Canadian border who love CBC’s Canada Reads! All are welcome to join our fabulous discussions! Frequency 11 episodes / quarter Since Sep 2019 Podcast canadareadsamericanstyle.pod..
Domain Authority 89 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

18. Book Me

Book Me

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada About Podcast Join former CBC Maritime Noon Host Costas Halavrezos as he interviews the Atlantic Canadians who create the books you love to read. From established, award-winning authors, illustrators, and photographers to the lesser-known up-and-comers and other key book contributors delve into the beautiful, mysterious world of books… and discover the passion that fuels it. Frequency 2 episodes / month Since Apr 2019 Podcast anchor.fm/book-me
Twitter followers 261 ⋅ Social Engagement 6 ⋅ Domain Authority 83 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

19. Canadian Launch Pod

Canadian Launch Pod

Canada About Podcast Releasing a new book is an exciting time, but what happens when your scheduled release is hampered by a global pandemic. Well, for many Canadian authors, they launch anyways! The Canadian Launch Pod is a podcast created to support Canadian authors releasing books for children and young adults during the COVID-19 crisis. We’ll speak to authors who may be familiar to you, and authors who may be new to your library. Join us as we explore the expanding universe of Canadian literature for young (and not-so-young) readers! Frequency 2 episodes / month Since Jul 2020 Podcast spreaker.com/show/canadian-l..
Twitter followers 4.8K ⋅ Social Engagement 1 ⋅ Domain Authority 89 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.4K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

20. Endnote Podcast

Endnote Podcast

Toronto, Ontario, Canada About Podcast Every other Friday, join Alex Lynch and the Hart House Literary and Library Committee (HHLLC) as they talk about the big ideas in literature with University of Toronto professors and Canadian authors, showcase emerging authors from around the Hart House community, and chat about the books they love. We also feature recordings from HHLLC panels and workshops. Whether you’re a casual reader or a devoted bibliophile, this is the podcast for you! Frequency 2 episodes / month Since Jul 2020 Podcast harthouselitandlib.wordpress..
Twitter followers 178 ⋅ Social Engagement 2 ⋅ Domain Authority 5 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

21. BookNet Canada

BookNet Canada

Toronto, Ontario, Canada About Podcast From BookNet Canada, the latest on book publishing, data, retail, and technology. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Jun 2015 Podcast booknetcanada.ca/podcast
Twitter followers 8.7K ⋅ Social Engagement 1 ⋅ Domain Authority 48 ⋅ Alexa Rank 703K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

22. Book Rant

Book Rant

About Podcast A podcast for bookish people, opinionated by bookish people. Because ranting is what book clubs are missing. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Oct 2019 Podcast buzzsprout.com/659374
Domain Authority 74 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.1K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

23. The Wordstock Sudbury Podcast

The Wordstock Sudbury Podcast

Ontario, Canada About Podcast The Wordstock Sudbury Podcast is a production of the Wordstock Sudbury Literary Festival. In each episode, we sit down with poets, novelists, and other creatives leaving their mark on the Canadian literary community. We discuss inspiration, the writing process, and get reading recommendations from some of Canada’s most creative writers. The festival and the podcast strive to have a fresh Northern Ontario perspective and feature writers that live in and write about the North. Frequency 2 episodes / quarter Since Nov 2020 Podcast wordstocksudbury.podbean.com
Twitter followers 381 ⋅ Social Engagement 3 ⋅ Domain Authority 89 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

24. The BW Powe Cast

The BW Powe Cast

About Podcast BW Powe is a Canadian writer, essayist, poet, novelist, and critic whose unique approach to modernist thought highlights the unknowable and ever-changing surround of the electric environment we find ourselves trapped in. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Feb 2021 Podcast rss.com/podcasts/bwpowecast
Domain Authority 48 ⋅ Alexa Rank 36.9K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

25. Getting Lit

Getting Lit

Toronto, Ontario, Canada About Podcast a monthly show of book reviews & recommendations to help you diversify your bookshelf, and find your next favourite read. Frequency 3 episodes / quarter Since Feb 2021 Podcast listennotes.com/podcasts/..
Twitter followers 443 ⋅ Domain Authority 63 ⋅ Alexa Rank 12.2K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

26. Books North

Books North

About Podcast Books North highlights Canadian authors, editors, and projects within the realm of suspense fiction in all genres, and is hosted by Eddie Generous. Frequency 9 episodes / year Since Sep 2020 Podcast booksnorthpodcast.podbean.com
Domain Authority 89 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

27. Better Late Than Novel

Better Late Than Novel

About Podcast Two Canadian book lovers talk about books and book news. Frequency 8 episodes / year Since May 2020 Podcast anchor.fm/sam-and-jen
Twitter followers 3 ⋅ Domain Authority 83 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

28. YA Write with Amy Mathers

YA Write with Amy Mathers

Canada About Podcast Every month, Amy Mathers talks to YA writers about their inspiration as a writer and their latest books. Frequency 1 episode / year Since Jan 2019 Podcast yawrite.buzzsprout.com
Twitter followers 9.3K ⋅ Domain Authority 73 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.1K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

29. Writers’ Trust of Canada

Writers' Trust of Canada

Canada About Podcast Join the Writers Trust of Canada as they bring to you amazing Canadian writers for smart talks, provocative conversations, and dramatic readings. The Writers Trust is a charitable organization that seeks to advance, nurture, and celebrate Canadian writers and writing. Frequency 6 episodes / year Since May 2016 Podcast soundcloud.com/writerstrust
Twitter followers 22.8K ⋅ Domain Authority 93 ⋅ Alexa Rank 130 View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

30. I Value Canadian Stories: The Podcast

I Value Canadian Stories: The Podcast

About Podcast Season One of a new series highlighting the work, the creative habits, and unique perspectives of Canadian children and young adult authors. Listen in as 15 unique writers talk about what sparks their imaginations, tips for young authors, and their take on the Canadian narrative. Frequency 30 episodes / year Since Mar 2020 Podcast spreaker.com/show/i-value-ca..
Domain Authority 89 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.4K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

31. Can’t Lit

Can't Lit

About Podcast A monthly podcast on all things Canadian and literature. Hosted by Dina Del Bucchia and Jen Sookfong Lee. Frequency 7 episodes / year Since Apr 2014 Podcast cantlit.ca
Facebook fans 605 ⋅ Twitter followers 2.8K ⋅ Domain Authority 25 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

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