Tech savvy silos to improve your business – African Farming

ARCC Agri Silo monitoring gives you real time feedback on feed levels and more.

Optimal farm productivity – this is the ARCC IoT system’s main goal. ARCC is a supplier and installer of IoT (internet of things) monitoring devices, which in short means you can hook your farm up to sensors and monitor it from your smartphone. 

What is IoT? 

It refers to the connection of smart devices or sensors in a network that enables them to communicate with each other autonomously. The data collect from different sensors, for example the level of feed in a silo, is then displayed in an instrument panel on your smartphone.

The benefits are multiple, specifically with these silo monitoring systems from ARCC. The system provides highly accurate measurements and enables you to monitor feed levels in real time. It can predict run-out, preventing panic ordering, and offers long-term insights with data collection over time. 

Benefits include: 

  • Generating actionable insight from data to make better business decisions.
  • Enabling mills to deliver more product less often.
  • Significantly reducing delivery costs per tonne by lowering the number of trucks on the road.
  • Reducing your business’ carbon footprint.
  • An accelerated return on investment.
  • Eliminating risks by avoiding the need to climb silos.
  • Generating higher customer retention.

What else can these silo systems do? 

  • The online platform gives you a vision of silo levels.
  • Certain daily activities can be automated to free up staff.
  • Live reporting with Google sheets and Node-RED reports keeps you up to date.
  • An email threshold alarm, which sends you level alerts, means you are never taken by surprise. 
  • The website associated with the system works on all devices, so it easily slots into your existing devices.
  • The data integration service provide data direct to your ERP or CRM.

Want to know more? Visit

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Mavis Motlokwa – African Farming

Mavis Motlokwa, Harrismith, Free State

December is mid-summer in South Africa and the grass is in full swing. This is the time to make grass silage if there is more summer growth than the animals can eat.

We are walking the pastures weekly and allocating the best grazing to the milking herd. Looking after the pastures is our priority because feeding cows grass is the cheapest way to produce milk. Maize silage for autumn and winter feed will be made later when the silage maize is ready to cut and ensile.

The bulls have been in the herd for November to pick up the stragglers that did not conceive with first and second AI; they come out at the beginning of the month. Now is the time to check autumn calvers for condition and milk production.

We will take out autumn calving cows that are low producers and dry them off. We also check cow condition 90 days before the dry off due date and dry off over-conditioned autumn calvers to avoid calving problems later.

If we think animals are taking strain, we dry off early or put the cow onto once-aday milking cycle. We roll out a vaccination schedule to protect our herd against CA (Brucellosis). Heifers get the shots between four and eight months, so we keep vaccinating to keep up as they get older and not to miss the eight-month cutoff.

We use S19 for the first two vaccinations and, if possible, we boost with RB51. Many farmers are doing this now with CA becoming an ever-present danger. Lumpy skin and Rift Valley fever vaccinations are also done.

Rain brings wet, muddy walkways and a guaranteed number of lame cows. Our farrier comes in every fortnight to sort out lame cows and to treat infections.

We work on the principle that early treatment can save our lame cows from the cull list. We will get the vet in this month for PDs (pregnancy diagnoses) and we hope our breeding season will be successful.

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Sipho Mthimunye – African Farming

Sipho Mthimunye, Bethal, Mpumalanga

We have just had a disaster with rodents and birds destroying about 30ha of newly planted maize. The lands are infested with rodent holes and we have not yet discovered which bird species has been hammering the maize.

We have applied pesticides that will hopefully get rid of the rodents and are currently replanting, which is a very expensive process. I’ve just bought seed, which now costs over R4 000 a bag – which is only enough to plant a little more than 4ha.

Because of time constraints, I have hired a contractor, my neighbour Michael Erasmus, who will be able to plant faster than I can. Michael contracted for me when I started grain production here and he taught me much of what I know today.

With his help I’ve managed to buy my own equipment: two tractors, a spray boom, a disc harrow and a ripper, and four-row and six-row planters, which I used this season. However, with limited time and a problem with tractor breakdowns, Michael has come in to help me plant.

Because of the good relationship we have and his kindness, he has done the work on credit, and I will only be paying him after I’ve harvested. I did not have the money to replant and would have been sunk without his help.

My biggest concern now is hail, which normally hits us around this time. Some areas have already been hit and those farmers are also replanting. A lack of insurance deepens the risk for emerging farmers like me.

Insurance is virtually unaffordable for smaller farmers. When I investigated insurance for my 2020 crop I received a quote of R400 000, which simply was not feasible.

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African Farming crew recap season two

As we approach the holiday season, the African Farming presenters and behind-the-scenes crew recap the successful season two. 

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Embrace The New Chapter  — Lionesses of Africa

by Nontobeko Mbuyane

The past week was surely not an easy week for me, strangely nothing much happened but I completely broke down. I remember I even sobbed on the phone when my partner called. The most painful part is not even being able to be around to at least provide the emotional support I so much needed. It was after a few days when I regained my composure that I realized that indeed nothing new had happened on the day I broke down, but I have been carrying around so much emotional baggage that suddenly there was no room anymore, thus it all burst out. 

Like most people, I have tried to control many aspects of my life to the point that whenever one would be asked to define me, words like, Strong, Resilient and Powerful would top the list. So it is from my episode that I realized that we frankly do not need to be always strong and resilient, we need to be human and feel all the pain life throws at us, as well as go through the emotions. Piling these up does not work in our favor, at least I experienced this. I think most of us fall into this situation because we all want to foresee things before they can potentially happen in order to feel safe and in control. But ironically when we try to control life, we end up missing out on possibilities that may have come our way if only we’d let go and allowed life to happen.

Life Happens For You

Hard as it may be to accept, the truth is we can’t always control life, and sometimes painful things happen that we couldn’t possibly predict or prevent. We need to come to a point of accepting life as it is and know that we can never predict the future. If we did then I’d probably be playing the lottery knowing I’m picking the right numbers. We can’t foresee what’s coming down the road. We can only choose our attitude when we hit roadblocks along the journey, and these ultimately shape our choices. What can help us maintain an optimistic attitude and cope when things go wrong is knowing these three things: 

I made a decision long ago to make these my life’s footprints. As a person that draws strength from the Lord’s word, I believe everything that happens to us happens for our good, whether bad or good. When life doesn’t go to plan, we must embrace the change and realize that our lives are composed of chapters, when one has ended another one is about to begin. But we can’t move on to the next chapter if we continually re-read old ones. We have to willingly accept that life goes on, and that we have a chance to create something bigger and better.

Whatever painful or challenging situation you might be facing today such as job loss, losing out on a major business deal, business crumbling down, I plead with you not to play the victim card. Yes, life is showing you flames and all, but that doesn’t mean you need to feel sorry for yourself. This just means you have a better opportunity coming your way. Just fight with your mind to at least remain above the water, with being positive about better days, and don’t allow that situation to drown you. Refuse to be buried by life’s challenges, fight on, and we honestly are all in different battles at different stages of life.

No Season Lasts Forever

I also realized that time plays a crucial factor in our lives. Our time is limited, and it consistently passes at the same speed, with no bias. This means that, with time, the inner turmoil you are currently dealing with will, without a doubt, pass. Surely no season lasts forever, we have never lived all year long in winter and so are the chapters of life. In other words, stop resisting and fighting, the fact that you lost a job won’t suddenly bring it back. Fighting the fact that your relationship ended won’t necessarily have them running back into your arms. I always encourage people to uphold a fighting spirit in life, I am a fighter myself but do always choose your battles wisely as well. Don’t fight to remain in a situation that God has designed that you should step out of and step into a new one. I understand this may not be easy to digest when you’re hurting, its part of the human experience, and it’s okay to take as long as you need as you internalize. Whatever situation or challenge you might be going through, do trust that life is working for you somehow. You just have to understand that the feelings of loneliness, desperation, fear, and loss will pass. You have to stay in the moment and fully accept all that is happening to you. And no, it will not be easy, and it isn’t meant to be, but just trust the process. Often when I face challenges, I remember the proverb “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Our lives are a lot happier when we strive to make the most of what life gives us, but the step before it is equally important: trust the process and embrace the change, whatever it is. Only then, once you stop fighting it, can you go about making your lemonade. We have all been faced with situations in our lives that force our hand. And we likely will be faced with these kinds of situations again in the future. In these moments, it’s important to hold onto the notion that life could be creating space for you to do something differently.


If you lost your job and didn’t enjoy the work, life is potentially giving you a hint to pursue something further aligned with your passions and purpose. If you went through a breakup, life is potentially giving you a hint that you deserve and can do better. When I look back on my past, I realize that every loss has taught me beautiful, valuable lessons that now help me in the present. The same is likely true for you. In these moments of inner turmoil, or let’s just call it life turmoil, you are taking mental notes. Mental notes that will help you grow and help you in the future when dealing with whatever else life throws your way. You have made it through loss and hardship before, what makes you think you can’t now? You can! 

You just need to remember three things:

  • Life happens for your benefit not against it.

  • Everything heals with enough time.

  • It’s pointless to keep resisting.

The next chapter of your life could be even more amazing than the previous one. So go on and embrace it!

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Fitness Tips for The Holidays — Lionesses of Africa

by Emily Kandanga

The holidays are a festive time of year with seemingly endless opportunities to cheat on your diet and skip a workout. Weight gain is almost an assumed part of this season. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We have carefully crafted a few tips that you can use to stay on track with your fitness this holiday season!

Plan for it, or it won’t happen

Make time for your workouts just as you make time for each of your festive gatherings—put it on the calendar. Planning ahead by adding your workouts to your schedule ensures they will fit into your day. Many of the holiday parties and dinners take place in the evening, so set aside time each morning to go for a run, hit the gym, or take part in online fitness classes at home.

A short workout is better than no workout

As your schedule fills with holiday activities, you might not always have time enough time for a full workout, so don’t be afraid to break it up into smaller chunks. Go for a 20-minute run before work, then stop by the gym for 20 minutes of weights on the way home. Remember that some physical activity is better than no activity, even just one mini workout is better than sitting around all day. Stay accountable for including a workout but allow for flexibility with duration.

Don’t shy away from creative ways to move

Along with being flexible in your scheduling, get creative with your activities. Even if you’re spending the whole day out shopping or at your family’s house for Christmas, you can still get your body moving.

Take the stairs, buddy!

Make elevators and escalators off-limits until after New Year’s Day. If you’re at the mall and want to add to the challenge, stop at a store on the lower level of the mall, then make your next store on the top level, then switch again. You’ll get in a solid stair workout by the time you’re done picking out gifts. You can also take a few extra laps around the mall to get in more activity.

Get outside

Grab a soccer ball and go kick it around with the kiddies. This is a great way to burn calories while having fun & bonding with your family. Everyone gets to experience that rush of feel-good hormones after running a few laps.

It’s time to get a workout buddy

Even if it’s just for the holiday season, having a workout partner can help you stay motivated and accountable. You’re more likely to get to the gym or show up for a Zoom workout if you have someone there waiting to work out with you. To step it up, make a bet: if one person skips a workout, they owe the other person N$ 50 bucks or they have to wear a Santa hat during the next workout. A little fun can boost everyone’s motivation.

Treat yourself

Treat yourself to new leggings to inspire you to get outside & move your body. Make sure you stick to the workouts you planned by placing N$10.00 – N$20.00 in a jar for each one you complete, then spend the money on something fun after the holiday season.

Sip sip, some water!

With the holidays comes a variety of festive drinks—these drinks are often overloaded with calories and not the best at keeping you hydrated, so drink them in moderation. Keep your water bottle full and accessible, and be sure to drink plenty of water before any holiday gathering. This not only helps with staying hydrated, but it also helps you feel full so you’re more likely to resist the extra food. Considering making one of your workout rewards a new festively decorated water bottle to inspire you to stay hydrated through the holidays.

So, with a little planning and creativity, maintaining a fitness plan through the holidays can still leave room for fun and festivities.

Happy Holidays!

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Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Real Estate environment  — Lionesses of Africa

by Pam Snyman 

What does it mean to be a real estate company that maintains a sustainable competitive advantage? At REDZetc we endeavour to do the following: Add value for our clients, i.e by delivering ongoing superior performance …easier said than done… What do we need to maintain that advantage? Constant positive change and adaptation. We need to be a Learning Organisation where continual learning takes place in order to gain sustainable excellence, i.e. be means of constant organisational learning. 

What is organisational learning? The process of active learning that takes place within the organisation through individuals, groups and the organisation itself for sustaining, supplementing and improving the knowledge and practices related to our core functions and whereby competitive advantage is created. Our desire is: a culture of innovation, creative thinking and constant renewal.

What are the key resources required to be a learning organisation? 

Therefore, our REDZetc team illustrates the coming together of individuals who make conscious choices to communicate ethically, so that our relationships with each other and our clients can deepen due to our commitment in assisting one another. Delighting in each other and being generous, by doing things for the right reasons. We work towards a life of meaning and not a life of means.

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A story about a Mozambican Pride — Lionesses of Africa

by Mayra Pereira

My name is Mayra Pereira and I am a Lioness since September 2019. I keep going back to the date I was preparing my presentation for the Lioness Lean In event in Maputo. For so long, I kept pushing out the date because I was afraid of public speaking, and still very hormonal from having my little Mia, just 4 four months before. 

This seems very cliché now, but the day I did the presentation, I knew my life was going to change. I asked my mother and my colleagues from work to be present since I wanted them to hear about my journey, and also to have people I trusted amongst the crowd that would be present. Once I arrived at the venue, I immediately recognized a familiar face, Patricia Bettencourt. At the time, she presented her work at the Girl Move Academy. I then met Olga Madede, the founder of an in-home care nursing services business. Powerful women with powerful stories. I can´t recall if my presentation was before or after, but I kept thinking about how I could inspire women and girls with my story. I remember thinking at the end of my presentation that although my journey was somehow interesting and funny, I could do more to create change.

It took me 7 months to write my story on the Lionesses of Africa portal. By then, I had set up a new company in Mozambique called Gaia and I was pursuing my dream: to create change, and support the ecosystem in Mozambique in the transition to a sustainable future. Be the change that you wish to see in the world – Mahatma Gandhi – I wrote almost at the end. This is definitely my drive for being an entrepreneur. 

Little did I know, my path with Patricia and Olga would cross more often than expected. Right after my presentation, Patricia called me and I immediately jumped in to support Girl Move Academy. I did a talk on the Sustainable Development Goals and then became a mentor to one of the girls. Working with the academy and getting to know the girls really changed my perception of the world. Being close to Patricia made me realize that all we need to create change is ourselves. For me, Patricia is this force of nature that can move mountains for the things she stands for and believes in. Inspired by her, I took under my wing one of the most inspiring girl movers, who was always interested in renewable energy, but had not gotten the opportunity to enter the sector. Patricia has not only been an inspiration on the journey to be a better professional, but has over the past few months been a strong support to my family. 

It was August 2021 and a family member became extremely sick. After a few calls I got the phone number of someone called Dra Olga. I remember the phone ringing and I heard this familiar voice on the phone. I asked if this was the Olga I met at the Lionesses event and whom I shared the stage with. She remembered me and I believe she could hear I was in distress. She immediately gave me all the contacts and ways that I could get the support of her company. Her team was nothing but amazing. Of course with home care, there are always bits and pieces that come together after some time, but the her team supported our family through the most difficult moments. My family member passed away this November and we will always be grateful to the support that Olga and her team gave us over the past months. 

I believe in the power of networks and I am proud to be a Lioness. I will always be grateful to the team in Maputo who pushed me to do the presentation in front of hundreds of women. But beyond that, to get to know other lionesses who are creating real change and impacting the lives of people in Mozambique. We are so often focused on the little things that we end up forgetting that real impact is created by the Patricia´s and Olga´s of the world. This is the importance of connecting and empowering women. Besides my (and Gaia´s) journey to help businesses, cooperation partners, governments and civil society in Mozambique and Sub-Saharan countries in the development and implementation of sustainable solutions as well as in the transition to a sustainable low-carbon future, I believe more and more in the power of advancing the concept of women as agents of change.

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Lioness Launch / New Silent Podcast series launched by Yellow Owl for South Africa’s deaf community — Lionesses of Africa

The first episode – A Health Hero – features John Meletse, a prominent Deaf LGBTQI activist. He has been living with HIV for the past 19 years. His colourful personality will leave audiences entertained, educated and challenged to view the Deaf community in a different way. 

To find out more about this exciting new Signs & Stories: the silent podcast series, contact Thuli Zikalala, founder, Yellow Owl via mobile: +27 68 361 9792 or email: 

Visit the Yellow Owl website for more information and check out Yellow Owl on social media: FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM

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Business Mindset and Branding fundamental for creative souls by Adela Alonso Alonso — Lionesses of Africa

Book Review

In her book, The Passion Entrepreneur: Business Mindset and Branding fundamental for creative souls by Adela Alonso Alonso, she starts by busting the myth surrounding entrepreneurship. If you have been told: “Find a job you love, and you won´t have to work a day in your life,” Adela says this is a big fat LIE. She believes that the truth is, most passion-driven entrepreneurs end up working 24/7, and still struggle to get results. Adela provides some insights into how to do things differently.

Adela Alonso Alonso in her book The Passion Entrepreneur, says that turning passion into a profession is a very widespread dream. Gurus, influencers, and good old motivational posters alike are telling us that all you need to succeed in this life is being passionate about what you do. However, just as love is blind, passion can be blinding too. Turning something so personal, so intimate, into a successful business is no easy feat. But Adela says, “don´t fear. It can be done!” She believes you can beat the imposter syndrome, play to your strengths, and build a business that works for you and not the other way around. 

In The Passion Entrepreneur, you´ll learn to understand your true motivations, align your mindset to those goals, and use them to build a brand that makes sense for your customer, the market, and most importantly: your life. Adela provides actionable advice and exercises to help you align your mind to your ultimate motivation and your brand to your long-term goals. You will learn to identify your most valuable assets, and use them to build a business model that makes your life easier. She will show you step-by-step, how to deeply and throughly understand your competition, how to build a show-stopping brand profile and a laser focused consumer persona. All of this in an easy-to-read book full of anecdotes, jokes and super-cute illustrations.

Author Quotes

Building a business out of a passion is not an uncommon dream. However, just as love is blind, passion can be blinding too. Turning something so personal, so intimate, into a successful business is no easy feat.

You can beat the imposter syndrome, play to your strengths, and build a business that works for you and not the other way around. 

Remember, this business is your choice. It’s your path. It should work for you, not the other way around.

About the author

Adela Alonso Alonso is a Spanish-born strategic branding and innovation consultant with over 15 years of experience in fashion, marketing, and entrepreneurship. She has worked with brands going from retail giants to aspiring designers or tech start-ups helping them build brands and products that attract, interest and convince. After over 10 years working for international fashion labels, she changed her apartment in Dubai for a suitcase and now works 100% remotely while traveling the world. In this, her first book, she introduces the reader to her tried-and-tested strategic brand-building methods, based both on creative thinking and learnings from consumer-applied psychology and neuroscience. 

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