Irene Mavie, a Mozambican entrepreneur producing a natural cosmetic line — Lionesses of Africa

Tell us a little about your team

My company has counted on the help of its employees, and they are people who like the work they do. They have been very understanding and committed which has added great value to the company.

Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And do you come from an entrepreneurial background?

It all started in 2020, after my graduation. At first it was complicated because it was all new, so I needed to understand myself, mainly because it was the same year the pandemic started. The reality of the entrepreneurial life was different from what we imagined, so it has been a journey of challenges and discoveries. I have set a goal, from which I follow. To be an entrepreneur is to be willing to give your time, it is to know that if you don’t do it, no one will do it for you. It is to know that directly or indirectly it will influence your life or change it. I have learned a lot and entrepreneurship has given me a different view of life. It is very satisfying to look back and to see that I am making progress and I’ve helped to regain people’s self-esteem. That is gratifying. I come from an entrepreneurial family, my father is a fashion designer, my grandmother has always worked in sales, and my brother works with photography.

What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?

I work to make Mavie Cosméticos sustainable and to reduce plastic use in our packaging. To have a good distribution network and to use local primary suppliers (in order to help mine) and get to a level of business so that I can train my staff by myself.

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