You’ll never do wrong by doing right — Lionesses of Africa

By the Lionesses of Africa Operations Department

‘Doing right’ means different things to different people, but in business it is absolutely essential and represents your core values. The above photo showing the impact that UZURI K&Y, the Rwandan business founded by entrepreneurs Kevine Kagirimpundu and Ysolde Shimwe, has had on so many lives as a perfect example of this. So, “What are the core values of your business?” could have been the title this week…

Why does it matter?

Core values are absolutely central to your life as a business woman – without core values you could quickly find yourself in a position where you flip-flop between many different directions, many different employees, customers and suppliers – as if you don’t have enough to worry about! Sooner or later the word will get out and you will find it has become very lonely.

“There are plenty more employees/customers/suppliers out there” is the usual battle cry you hear from such companies.…and this is how it plays out:

New customers won’t take your calls once they hear how previous ones were treated. Your ex-customers are now just happy that they have suppliers they can rely on, who follow through with their promises and simply deliver, and on the occasions that there are issues (as there often are), not hide but simply pick up the phone and talk through a solution.  Suppliers will give up working with you, exhausted at the incessant re-negotiations, broken promises and trials and tribulations of having to jump through yet another hoop to please the ever changing views of their flip-flopping client. Employees? Well, good luck with that! If you have any left you’ll realize (too late) that it’s only the dead wood – all the best having given up and left. Then there’s the legal cases that mount up from disgruntled employees, suppliers with broken contracts and clients with no deliveries. Sounds like fun doesn’t it! 

Please don’t think that it is just a male run company issue, this can come from anyone and anywhere. Harvard Business Review (here) says that “Culture has become a strategic priority with impact on the bottom line” in recent years given a few high profile cases, but we argue that it has always had an impact on the bottom line, it’s just being reported more now.

Harvard Business Review goes on to say that: “…culture can be defined as the ways people in the organisation behave and the attitudes and beliefs that inform those behaviours (i.e., “the way we do things around here”) — including formal, stated norms as well as implicit ways people work and interact.

As a Leader you have a huge responsibility to not only communicate the core values of the company, but to also ensure they are supported and driven by everyone in the company. You cannot be in all places at the same time, so you have to trust your employees and management to do the right thing – this is essential, as without it the vision of the company is worthless.

This is also an important point. Your vision as a leader for your company cannot be successful unless your culture and core values align, allowing for the vision to be seen, heard, understood, supported and then implemented throughout your company. If they understand the core values they will follow, if ordered to get in line, they will not.

Colin Powell says that, ‘leadership is the ability to get someone to follow you even if only out of curiosity’, but to get to that stage there has to be trust. Trust that you as a leader have their best interests at heart.

As Ben Horowitz, cofounder of a16z and one of Silicon Valley’s most respected and experienced entrepreneurs says in his book, “The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers” (here): 

Consider the following: If I trust you completely, then I require no explanation or communication of your actions whatsoever, because I know that whatever you are doing is in my best interests. On the other hand, if I don’t trust you at all, then no amount of talking, explaining, or reasoning will have any effect on me, because I do not trust that you are telling me the truth.” How true is that!

We heard this brilliantly explained in a podcast by Heidrick and Struggles the other day (here) in an interview by their Ed Manfre with Mark A. Gabriel, the CEO of WAPA (the Western Area Power Administration in the USA), about ‘The importance of leadership and culture as critical levers of business performance’. Indeed this week’s title is from this podcast and is something that Mark strongly believes and has shown over years through his actions.

“You’ll never do wrong by doing right.”

He believes that a strong culture allows a business to survive and even thrive during times of great stress, but none of this can happen without strong leadership. Please be very aware, ‘strong leadership’ does not come from marching around the office and yelling orders. In fact ‘strong leadership’ is all about ‘leading by example’, being ‘fair but firm’, creating a strong management team and middle management who will follow through with decisions made, on occasions having to face-up to making the tough decisions (these cannot be avoided), communicating (so important), doing what you say (ditto!) and finally as Mark says: “…giving people the freedom to do the right thing.”

How do you drive that? One of the issues he found was that employees who were great at their jobs were promoted into leadership roles, but just because they were a great engineer (for example) this did not mean that leadership came automatically. This is often forgotten in organisations and so far more effort has to be given into training for leadership.

In fact he took it one step further in turning around this huge company, he doesn’t just train the vertical (as in the leadership as one goes up in a company), but the horizontal (to train across areas of the business). He calls this becoming a ‘student of the business’, so that across areas and divisions employees started to realize ‘why we do what we do’. Why finance has blocked a purchase order, why the engineers desperately need a particular coolant from one particular factory, why HR insists on stringent Health and Safety – even why the MD insists that all cars must be reversed into parking bays at the factory (small hint – allows for quick exit in case of fire or explosion).

This has been taken one step further by our truly inspirational Lionesses, Kevine & Ysolde of UZURI K&Y who not only train all their employees in the making of their fabulous sandals, but recognizing they couldn’t employ everyone who applied for jobs with them, set up a training program to teach the soft skills needed to help them navigate the job market and also (a brilliant addition) business skills to guide any who wanted to set up a business. Through this vision, since 2013, Kevine & Ysolde have impacted the careers of over 1,060 people — 70% of which are women — and have even helped 10 former employees launch their own businesses. Their incredible statistics and vision as shown by this week’s headline photo above, from the beautiful UZURI K&Y website, here.

The other issue for Mark that was important was inclusion and diversity. This does not mean simply bringing people in from all backgrounds and ethnicities, however essential that is, but to include all by listening to all. Not just those who make the noise or raise their hands, but seriously all, especially the quiet thoughtful ones. This is very important as they have just as much invested in the vision and future of the company, and by being quiet and observing, they may well have seen serious issues, or have brilliant solutions to known problems. Even if they don’t, bringing them in to discussions just increases the Trust.

The problem with running a business is, of course, the responsibility – a responsibility that is certainly not easily shared. As Ben writes: 

Every time I read a management or self-help book, I find myself saying, “That’s fine, but that wasn’t really the hard thing about the situation.” 

The hard thing isn’t setting a big, hairy, audacious goal. 

The hard thing is laying people off when you miss the big goal. 

The hard thing isn’t hiring great people. 

The hard thing is when those “great people” develop a sense of entitlement and start demanding unreasonable things. 

The hard thing isn’t setting up an organizational chart. 

The hard thing is getting people to communicate within the organization that you just designed. 

The hard thing isn’t dreaming big. 

The hard thing is waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat when the dream turns into a nightmare.

As he says: “The problem with these books is that they attempt to provide a recipe for challenges that have no recipes…” Yet with a culture of Trust that spreads through to customers and suppliers, not just employees and management, and a knowledge that whatever your decisions they were made with their best interests at heart, that cold sweat can be lessened, and support even for the tough decisions that you have to make, will be there.

Whatever your vision, whatever your core values, whatever your culture, Trust must be at the centre. Everyone from customers, to suppliers, to employees, even ex-employees who have gone on to other companies or started their own businesses, this Trust, this belief that you have their best interests at heart is central.

This starts by realizing that as Mark said: 

“You’ll never do wrong by doing right.”

Stay safe.

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Put Customers At The Heart Of Your Brand Story by Miri Rodriguez — Lionesses of Africa

Book Review

Written by the award-winning storyteller Miri Rodriguez at Microsoft, Brand Storytelling: Put Customers At The Heart Of Your Brand Story is an actionable guide that goes beyond content strategy. Instead, it demonstrates how to leverage brand storytelling in the marketing mix to strengthen brand engagement and achieve long-term growth, with advice from brands like Expedia, Coca Cola, McDonalds, Adobe and Google. 

Miri Rodriguez, author of Brand Storytelling: Put Customers At The Heart Of Your Brand Story, believes that despite understanding essential storytelling techniques, brands continue to explain how their product or service can help the customer, rather than showcasing how the customer’s life has changed as a result of them. Brand Storytelling gets back to the heart of brand loyalty, consumer behaviour and engagement as a business strategy: using storytelling to trigger the emotions that humans are driven by. It provides a step by step guide to assess, dismantle, and rebuild a brand story, shifting the brand from a ‘hero’ to ‘sidekick’ mentality, and positioning the customer as a key influencer to motivate the audience.

Simplifying where to begin, how to benchmark success and ensure a consistent brand voice throughout every department, Mimi’s book clearly shows how readers can align an emotive connection with the customer’s personal values, experiences and aspirations, and how that will enable brand leaders, employees and influencers to celebrate and strengthen brand engagement for the long-term, rather than simply trying to win it. Clarifying why machine-learning, AI and automation only tell one side of the story, this book will inspire you with cutting edge interviews and case studies from leading brands like Expedia, Coca Cola, McDonalds, Adobe and Google, to tap into authentic brand loyalty and human connection.

Author Quotes

Today’s digital age, also known as the information age, has forged a modern path for the way we engage and connect with one another and with content.

We have little or no time to waste on lifeless, useless content that provides no value to our lives or business. So why should we expect our customers to be any different?

In Brand Storytelling, I want to offer practical tools to help you become a skilled storyteller, both at the personal and business levels.

Your brand story will continue to evolve. So, think ahead of time about what you want your brand to be next.

About the author

Miri Rodriguez is an award-winning storyteller and creative journalist at Microsoft. She is a renowned keynote speaker and international thought leader in brand storytelling, personal branding and youth entrepreneurship. Her previous clients include Adobe, Discover, Walmart and McKesson.

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Lioness Launch / New South African children’s skincare brand, Raising Uhuru, looks to nature for inspiration — Lionesses of Africa

South African children’s skincare brand, Raising Uhuru, came into existence when a young and curious first-time mom, Minky Mokapela, was faced with the challenge of her baby’s terrible eczema. The baby’s skin would get so dry that it would develop scabs that would lift and flake off creating a considerable level of discomfort for her, and the only effective products contained steroids. Thanks to her curiosity, Minky began to research natural ways to treat her daughter’s skin after finding out that long term use of steroids had adverse effects. She knew that mother nature definitely had an answer. Using natural oils and butters such as Cocoa butter, Shea butter and Jojoba oil, she created the Raising Uhuru children’s skincare range that is beneficial for all skin types and complexions.

The Raising Uhuru children’s skincare brand includes the following products: 

Children’s Skincare

Baby Bath Oil, Body Butter, Cradle Cap Butter, Goodnight Baby Massage Oil, and Custard Lotion. In addition, there are two other adult skincare and haircare ranges produced by the brand:

Skincare Adults
24k Gold Organic Serum, Face Custard, Chamomile Scrub, Citrus & Marula Tissue Oil,
Khanya Skin Brightening Soap, Khanya Skin Brightening Oil, Rose & Vanilla Makeup Remover

Hair Care
African Black Soap Shampoo, Leave-In Conditioner, Protein Hair Growth Spray, Hair Growth Oil, Hair Soufflé, Chebe & Moringa Co-Wash, Kombo Butter & Moringa Pre-Poo, Jamaican Black Castor Oil, Chebe Oil

Speaking about what makes Raising Uhuru different in the marketplace, founder Minky Mokapela says: “The main thing that sets Raising Uhuru apart from the many budding organic cosmetics companies is its value preposition. We offer our consumers luxury products at bridge prices, because our goal is to provide better quality of life for those who stand to benefit from our products, even if they are low income earners.”

There are plans underway to host a special launch event of the full Raising Uhuru product range at Buitengeluk in South Africa on 29 September 2021. The significance of this date is that it is Uhuru’s birthday and she is the reason Raising Uhuru exists.

Sharing her aspirations for the Raising Uhuru brand and her business, founder Minky Mokapela says: “The biggest aspiration is to create 80-100 jobs within the next 5 years and empower the female youth while contributing positively to the GDP. We also aim to be one of South Africa’s biggest and most reputable exporters of Natural cosmetics.

Furthermore, we hope to equip those who come to the employment of Raising Uhuru with the skills and confidence to move on to start their own companies, therefore causing a positive domino effect of job creation.”

Customers interested in purchasing the full range of Raising Uhuru products can visit the company’s online store and in Elandsrock Nature Estate, Alberton, South Africa. The company also sells its range through its social media platforms.

Minky shares her entrepreneurial advice with other women entrepreneurs, saying: “Your biggest asset is your brain. If you can have an idea, all you need is to back it up with determination, consistency and the bravery to ask for help, guidance and opportunities. The worst that can happen is hearing, “no”, but that’s just one person saying no out of 7.8 billion. Take it on the chin and look elsewhere. Be the embodiment of tenacity!”

To find out more about the Raising Uhuru product range, contact founder Minky Mokapela via email: or by visiting the company’s website

Check out Raising Uhuru on social media:


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Jodi Fittinghoff, a South African leading designer and manufacturer of customized bags and packaging — Lionesses of Africa

What makes your new product or service different?

We do compete directly with imported products mainly coming from countries like China, but being a local factory producing quality products, at a reasonable price, with small minimum quantities and shorter lead times, gives us an advantage over our competitors. Our customers are able to monitor their orders throughout the manufacturing process, and if need be can request part deliveries as stock becomes available. We continue to design and develop high quality, innovative products and we now import Neoprene material, and make the most beautiful bags with this unique, appealing material. We constantly strive to follow new international trends, fashions and new ideas, and at the same time innovate our offerings, so as to be able to show elements of difference and uniqueness. This also allows us to keep up to date with manufacturing methods and design trends, which we can offer to our clients.

What are your future aspirations for your new product or service?

We are able to accommodate much smaller Minimum Order Quantities, which is also more attractive to some customers that are looking to introduce and test new products into their ranges. We produce products from a very wide range of fabrics and materials that are both imported and locally sourced. These include Nylons, PU’s, Leatherettes PVC’s, Mesh, Foils, Webbings, Fixings, Zip and many other components. We also offer a wide range of branding solutions – embroidery, screen printing, full color sublimation printing, full color digital printing, embossing, foiling, heat transfers and doming.

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Mayra Pereira, a Mozambican entrepreneur helping clients transition to a sustainable low-carbon future — Lionesses of Africa

Tell us a little about your team

My team is comprised of 3 fantastic professionals, working on data analysis and management. We have worked together on assignments before and we have the same vision of what and where we want to go. Additionally, we have a network of associate consultants based in Southern Africa and Europe for the development of studies across a number of different disciplines.

Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And, do you come from an entrepreneurial background?

My entrepreneurial journey started with another lioness Erika Rodrigues, when we set up our first translation business during our university years in South Africa. We gathered friends and family and for years, we managed to do translations to a number of individuals and companies. After university, I have worked for an NGO and a consulting firm, where I have gathered the technical skills that then led me to the development of my first consulting firm in Mozambique. Gaia, my second consulting firm, is now a product of the knowledge I have acquired over this journey.

What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?

Our vision is to be a reference consulting firm in Sub-Saharan Africa involved with reshaping organizations, societies, markets and business investment decisions to look beyond environmental, social and governance factors on their advancement towards sustainability.

What gives you the most satisfaction being an entrepreneur?

Be the change that you wish to see in the world – Mahatma Gandhi. 

This is definitely my drive for being an entrepreneur.

What’s the biggest piece of advice you can give to other women looking to start-up?

The first step is definitely to start! I do not believe in failure, I believe in the power of starting again until we reach where we want to be. Let’s grow, evolve and progress!

Find out more


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Mavis Nduchwa, a Botswana honey aggregator transforming communities — Lionesses of Africa

LoA spoke to the truly inspirational Mavis Nduchwa about her entrepreneurial journey and her mission to transform rural communities by harnessing the power of bees to create jobs and opportunities.

What does your company do?

We are a honey aggregator, we are using beekeeping to transform rural communities by creating jobs for them. We train and supply farmers with beehives, we then create a market by buying back the honey, processing, packaging and supplying the market.

What inspired you to start your company?

Three things inspired me to start Kalahari Honey. Firstly, my love for conservation. Secondly, I have always wanted to create jobs for my community. Thirdly, the financial freedom it brings.

Why should anyone use your service or product?

Kalahari Honey is the first company of its kind in the country, we are solving problems that communities have using indigenous knowledge.

Tell us a little about your team

My team are my vision board. I am currently in Namibia setting up our new branch and they are able to carry on back at home without me.

Onalenna Kolobe is our CFO. Brighton Chabana is our OPS manager. Gabankitse Seleka is responsible for Logistics.

Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And do you come from an entrepreneurial background?

When I was 14 years old my family sent me to a boarding school. My days at boarding school were spent working on solutions to the challenges that we had then, such as writing love letters for my friends, for which I charged them a small fee. Growing up I watched my grandmother trade in markets with her agriculture produce. I guess she inspired me.

What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?

Growth! In the next 5 years we see ourselves as one of the major honey suppliers regionally. We are currently in Botswana and Lesotho. In Lesotho, we supply retailers and wholesalers such as Spar, Food Lovers Market, Shoprite, Checkers and  OK Foods. 

What gives you the most satisfaction being an entrepreneur?

I can dream with no limitations.

What’s the biggest piece of advice you can give to other women looking to start-up?

It is a very fulfilling journey. Just like a plane, take offs are critical but once you reach your altitude everything works out. Challenge yourself and do it. 

Find out more

To find out more about the work of Kalahari Honey, contact founder Mavis Nduchwa via email: or visit the company website and social media pages:


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Five tips to reframe 2021 — Lionesses of Africa

by Charmel Flemming 

As I moved gently into 2021, I was extremely aware of the negativity surrounding the impact 2020 would have on us. It was, by all accounts an unprecedented year! My husband and I each run our own businesses from home. We have two daughters aged four and seven. 2020 encouraged us to work smarter and brought us closer as our family shared the same space 24/7, for months at a time. I am by nature, a life-loving entrepreneur, with a positive outlook on life and all the possibilities open to us, just waiting to be grasped and explored.

As entrepreneurs, many of us entered into 2021 from a place of fear and uncertainty that 2020 had instilled in us. This perpetuated a mindset of scarcity, and created anxiety in the minds of many resolute business women. It is how we handle these situations that determines our success. How you deal with day-to-day aspects of your life. 2021 may bring equal if not more challenges for us to face.

I was recently asked the question as an entrepreneur and business owner; “How do you do it all?” Well mostly, I feel as though I’m winging it at times. This doesn’t mean I run my business less effectively or that I don’t pursue my goals. What is does mean is that every day is different and life may throw a curveball at us. Our reaction to these happenings will shape our days and years to come.

Whilst I’m sure you have read and quite possibly put many of your own practices in place, I would like to share five practices that I use daily – and hopefully will help you pave a less challenging road to navigate and reframe 2021.

1. Wellness

  • Sleep – aim to get seven to nine hours every night where possible. Try to shut off all electronics an hour before bed. I function at my peak on eight hours sleep a night.

  • Eating – follow a healthy eating plan; more greens and nutritious meals and drink more water.

  • Physical activity – this doesn’t have to be strenuous. Walking, yoga, low impact exercising are highly beneficial modes of exercise too. Keep moving!

2. Make Lists

  • Running a business and home would not be possible without writing up and following my lists. I love making lists. My life is all about making lists.

  • Before life overwhelms you and everything gets too much, make up separate to do, to buy, to fix, to achieve lists.

  • Set practical and achievable timelines to each of the tasks. You will very quickly find that your life is starting to run a lot smoother, and you are achieving more. This will give you a much needed and deserved sense of peace and order.

  • Be kind to yourself when you don’t tick off everything on your list. Don’t get too hung up on the things you didn’t do – tomorrow will be a good day too.

3. Support Base

  • Have a good support base. Have people around you that you can phone and say; today is not a good day. That is also ok. We all have those days.

  • 2020 separated friends and family members for long periods of time.

This was stressful, we as human beings, do not thrive on being alone. In difficult times, we need our family and friends as pillars of support in our lives.

  • It is important to have a strong network of supportive family and friends to enhance our mental well-being. We need this network in both times of joy and distress.

  • My advice is not to make as many friends as possible, but instead strive to focus on the several important relationships you have in your social circle and strengthen these relationships.

  • These will be the people you can turn to for advice and encouragement whenever you are facing difficult times, and to celebrate the good times with you too.

4. Use Technology

  • If I had to lose my phone I would be lost. I run my busines, my personal life – whether it is my lists, shopping online or just trying to use technology to make things easier for me. A big tip within a tip here – back up!

  • Technology can help us to work smarter, stay connected and simplify our work and home lives.

  • Embracing technology can keep you connected to your friends, family and colleagues. It will also keep you updated with world affairs and help keep your life working to its fullest potential.

5. Financial Health

One of life’s greatest stresses is financial stress. It can even cause physical symptoms like insomnia, headaches, fatigue. You may consider cutting, reducing or consolidating operating expenses, and this would be wise in many instances. The one critical area I would implore you take care of though, is your finances. I’m one of the few fortunate ones who came through 2020 not only unscathed, but grew my accounting business by signing on new clients. Many small business owners that I talk to think their business is either too small for a financial consultancy, or is in financial disarray. Neither of these factors should preclude you from appointing someone to take care of your finances. This in itself is a stress which takes away from the core focus and function of your business model. You need to feel confident that you are able to pre-empt whatever is coming, and that you have a solid guidance of a financial person/team who is able to navigate uncertain waters with you. 2021 may be time to get your financial house in order.  FTwelve can provide your business with the accounting and administration support your need to grow. Give yourself the time to focus on your core business development. Less stress and more enjoyment!

So, in conclusion; my wish for you is to embrace 2021 with the determination of the Lioness you are!

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Top 45 Australian Marketing Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021

1. Mumbrella


North Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast Every week the team at Mumbrella cover the latest news in the Australian media, marketing and advertising industries along with interviews with key people in the industry. Featuring a rotating panel of hosts from the Mumbrella team, this podcast is essential listening for anyone working under Australia’s media and marketing umbrella. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Oct 2009 Podcast
Twitter followers 10.7K ⋅ Social Engagement 1 ⋅ Alexa Rank 45.4K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

2. The Small Business Big Marketing Podcast with Timbo Reid

The Small Business Big Marketing Podcast with Timbo Reid

Noosaville, Queensland, Australia About Podcast In this podcast, Business owners share where their original business idea came from, how they got it to market and the strategies they used that led to their business’s unprecedented growth. Host Timbo Reids curiosity for what makes business owners tick and his passion for small business success means that every episode is chock full of marketing gold that will help you build that beautiful business of yours into the empire it deserves to be.  Frequency 1 episode / week Since Oct 2012 Podcast
Twitter followers 6.3K ⋅ Alexa Rank 1.1M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

3. Let’s Talk Marketing

Let's Talk Marketing

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast Host Adam Fraser interviews marketing industry thought leaders from around the globe, including CMOs, academics, authors, consultants and speakers in this podcast about the strategic marketing landscape. By speaking to the brightest minds in the global industry with a wide ranging ‘fire side chat’ interview approach, this podcast will help you rise above the noise to join the dots and make sense of the fast moving and ever changing marketing sector. Frequency 5 episodes / month Since Jun 2019 Podcast
Twitter followers 315.6K ⋅ Alexa Rank 129.6K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

4. Content Sells | Attract, Convert & Keep Your Ideal Clients with Content Marketing That Works

Content Sells | Attract, Convert & Keep Your Ideal Clients with Content Marketing That Works

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast Can’t get traction with your marketing? Not sure how to turn your content into sales? Tune in for practical, education and advice on how you can attract, convert and keep your ideal clients using smart content marketing. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Sep 2015 Podcast
Facebook fans 14.3K ⋅ Twitter followers 9.7K ⋅ Social Engagement 1 ⋅ Alexa Rank 738.9K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

5. Cemoh Marketing Podcast

Cemoh Marketing Podcast

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia About Podcast The Cemoh Marketing Podcast is a marketing, entrepreneurship and business podcast dedicated to interviewing high performing CEOs, business leaders, entrepreneurs and marketing experts.  Frequency 2 episodes / month Since Sep 2017 Podcast
Twitter followers 34 ⋅ Alexa Rank 30.8K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

6. Clickstarter | Australian Digital Marketing Podcast

Clickstarter | Australian Digital Marketing Podcast

Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia About Podcast The daily word on digital marketing and small business in Australia. Dante St James is accredited by Facebook Australia as a Community Trainer, Digital Marketing Associate, and Media Planning Professional. He is a trainer with Google’s digital literacy initiative, Digital Springboard, and a presenter of content for the Australian Small Business Advisory Services Digital Solutions program for the Australian Government. He is widely known for his straight-talking, non-jargon approach to digital marketing and small business. Frequency 7 episodes / month Since Nov 2018 Podcast
Twitter followers 51 ⋅ Alexa Rank 443.6K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

7. Marketing Debate

Marketing Debate

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia About Podcast Web3’s Marketing Debate Show is the ultimate digital marketing battleground where the biggest & juiciest debates of all time are settled once and for all. Learn the latest battle-tested, practical, and actionable tactics in the fields of web design, online marketing, PPC, SEO, content marketing, social media, conversion rate optimization, analytics & digital strategy in a fun and unique debating panel format. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Jun 2019 Podcast
Twitter followers 194 ⋅ Alexa Rank 5K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

8. Sacred Work: Online Marketing + Business Podcast

Sacred Work: Online Marketing + Business Podcast

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia About Podcast How do I grow my business online? How can I create passive income? How can I grow my following? How can I get more customers and serve more people? Taylor Rae is here to answer those questions as she shares episodes for female entrepreneurs to help them scale their businesses online. Bringing a unique blend of spirituality and strategy to online business, Taylor dives into topics on online marketing, sales funnels, social media strategy, email marketing, productivity, and marketing strategy for women in business. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Jun 2018 Podcast
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9. Marketing Builder Podcast

Marketing Builder Podcast

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia About Podcast Do you sometimes struggle to see the forest for the trees when it comes to marketing? You aren’t the only one. I’ll catch up with a cool business that is crushing their marketing right now so you can learn from them as well. I’m not mucking around. Drawing on over 20 years of marketing experience, Daniel Oyston will dive straight into a topic and provide you with short, sharp, and to-the-point marketing advice that you can apply straight away. Frequency 2 episodes / month Since Sep 2019 Podcast
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10. Online Marketing Strategies

Online Marketing Strategies

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast Welcome to the Online Marketing Strategies Podcast. Learn super-actionable tips and tricks to build your online business fast! Frequency 10 episodes / quarter Since Dec 2015 Podcast
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11. Content Maximiser | Digital Marketing Podcasts

Content Maximiser | Digital Marketing Podcasts

Pyrmont, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast Want to keep up to date with the latest digital marketing while on the go? Subscribe to the Content Maximiser Podcast. Content Maximiser offers integrated online marketing services, strategies, web designs & content creations to help you grow your business faster. Happy listening! Frequency 8 episodes / quarter Since Oct 2013 Podcast
Alexa Rank 974.3K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

12. The Nathanial Bibby Podcast

The Nathanial Bibby Podcast

Perth, Western Australia, Australia About Podcast Welcome to The Nathanial Bibby Podcast featuring the latest in social media marketing hacks to give your business the competitive edge, live training, exclusive audio content, epic interviews with marketers and entrepreneurs who are making an impact. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Jul 2017 Podcast
Twitter followers 1.5K ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

13. Omega Digital Australia

Omega Digital Australia

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast Omega Digital, Australia’s first and truly exclusive digital marketing agency. Learn about our exclusive service offering and much more. Stay engaged and up to date with marketing tips, industry news & company updates. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Apr 2018 Podcast
Facebook fans 204 ⋅ Twitter followers 122 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

14. Marketing The Invisible

Marketing The Invisible

Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia About Podcast The Mission of Marketing The Invisible is to bring proven marketing ideas to professionals offering a service, advice, or software and who want a weekly flow of inbound new client inquiries. We deliver one idea to boost marketing results using our 7 questions in 7 minutes. Frequency 2 episodes / week Since Feb 2018 Podcast
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15. Predictable B2B Success

 Predictable B2B Success

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia About Podcast The predictable B2B success podcast is all about helping business owners, marketing and sales executives achieve predictable growth by expanding their influence. Each episode features an interview with a founder, sales or marketing executive or thought leader in the B2B space discussing topics like marketing strategy, sales strategy, strategic partnerships, customer success, customer experience, people experience, hiring, social media, content creation and marketing, podcasting, video marketing, influencer marketing, agile marketing and much more. Frequency 3 episodes / day Since Jul 2019 Podcast
Twitter followers 12.8K ⋅ Social Engagement 2 ⋅ Alexa Rank 430.9K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

16. The Message Marketing Pod

The Message Marketing Pod

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast Join professional and award-winning content copywriter, Christopher Melotti, from Melotti Media, as he discusses fresh and interesting topics about marketing, content creation, copywriting, and business practice in general. Frequency 5 episodes / month Since Feb 2019 Podcast…
Twitter followers 488 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

17. The Marketing Commute

The Marketing Commute

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast The Marketing Commute is a podcast for anyone who’s interested in hearing the stories behind the career paths – as well as the triumphs and tragedies – of some of Australia’s most successful marketing and advertising leaders. Frequency 2 episodes / month Since Jun 2019 Podcast
Twitter followers 112 ⋅ Social Engagement 2 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

18. Boom Your Biz

Boom Your Biz

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia About Podcast Sick of all the gurus out there that talk about fluffy marketing strategies but have no real results to show for it? Each week we’ll be bringing you the battle-tested techniques that we know get the cut-through. Hosted by Digital Marketing Agency Owner and Marketing Educator, Sonya McIntyre-Reid. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Nov 2019 Podcast
Twitter followers 24 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

19. Nailing It, with Stephanie Campanella

Nailing It, with Stephanie Campanella

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast Nailing It Podcast, the series where I will help you nail down the details that will give structure to your business. I’m so excited to finally get back and talk about business, mindset, digital marketing, and strategies and tactics which you can deploy into your business straight away. Frequency 2 episodes / month Since Feb 2018 Podcast stephaniecampanella.libsyn.c..
Twitter followers 636 ⋅ Social Engagement 1 ⋅ Alexa Rank 5K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

20. The CMO Show | Content Marketing Blog and Podcast

The CMO Show | Content Marketing Blog and Podcast

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast The CMO Show is a business and marketing podcast about the future of brand storytelling. Join host Mark Jones as he interviews thought leaders about emerging trends in content marketing, PR, social and more. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Mar 2015 Podcast
Twitter followers 713 ⋅ Social Engagement 2 ⋅ Alexa Rank 1.7M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

21. The Recipe For SEO Success Show

The Recipe For SEO Success Show

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast The Recipe for SEO Success podcast helps you expand your understanding of all things Search Engine Optimisation and learn from experts you can trust. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Aug 2016 Podcast therecipeforseosuccess.libsy..
Twitter followers 848 ⋅ Alexa Rank 5K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

22. Marketing and Me

Marketing and Me

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast If you’re eager to grow your Health and Wellness business via effective marketing methods – while maintaining your OWN health and wellness – this podcast is for you! Featuring a blend of solo and guest episodes, get ready to be empowered via marketing and business development tips and learn from fellow health and wellness business owners. Frequency 2 episodes / week Since Jan 2020 Podcast
Twitter followers 70 ⋅ Social Engagement 1 ⋅ Alexa Rank 5.5M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

23. Thriving in Business with PR, social and digital marketing

Thriving in Business with PR, social and digital marketing

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia About Podcast Thriving In Business is your source of beginner to advanced-level digital marketing, PR, influencer, Social Media, and Content Marketing tips and strategies to fire up your small business. Hosted by Katie Martel of Croft PR and Rachel Callen of Full Stop Social Media – each week we’ll bring you incredible conversations with inspiring, disruptive, and generous entrepreneurs, journalists, and marketers – who share so much wisdom to get you thriving in business! Frequency 1 episode / month Since Jul 2020 Podcast
Alexa Rank 130.9K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

24. Shine Online with Ellie Swift

Shine Online with Ellie Swift

Perth, Western Australia, Australia About Podcast Hosted by Marketing & Mindset Coach, Ellie Swift, this podcast is designed to help you connect with your clients, create life changing results in your business, and shine neon-bright online. Frequency 1 episode / day Since Aug 2020 Podcast
Twitter followers 713 ⋅ Alexa Rank 6.5M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

25. The Rachel Kurzyp Show

The Rachel Kurzyp Show

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia About Podcast Hosted by Marketing Coach, Rachel Kurzyp, this podcast is for business owners who are ready to become respected leaders and creators in their community. Learn how to build a business that supports your multi-passionate lifestyle, create content with confidence and clarity, and launch profitable signature services and products. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Aug 2020 Podcast
Facebook fans 362 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

26. SMB Business Bites

SMB Business Bites

Subiaco, Western Australia, Australia About Podcast SMB Business Bites is a weekly marketing podcast for business owners, delivered by Roobix CEO Melissa Strutt and the Roobix team of specialists. Frequency 4 episodes / month Since Sep 2020 Podcast
Twitter followers 88 ⋅ Alexa Rank 129.6K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

27. Digital by AttentionMedia

Digital by AttentionMedia

Shepparton, Victoria, Australia About Podcast Are you looking to increase your leads and sales? Ready to invest in your marketing & grow your business? Welcome to Digital, a podcast brought to you by AttentionMedia, a location-agnostic digital growth agency helping businesses become iconic brands! On this show, we dive into the hottest topics, the latest updates, and what’s working in social media and digital marketing right now, to get you up to speed and keep you informed. Frequency 5 episodes / month Since Oct 2020 Podcast
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28. The Zac Anesbury Show

The Zac Anesbury Show

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia About Podcast The Zac Anesbury Show is your elite marketing practitioner and academic podcast. Hosted by Dr. Zachary Anesbury, the inaugural Gerald Goodhardt Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Senior Marketing Scientist at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute University of South Australia, you will gain insights from the best marketers throughout the world. Frequency 20 episodes / quarter Since Jan 2020 Podcast
Facebook fans 196 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.1K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

29. Destroy Digital

Destroy Digital

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia About Podcast Two long-time, digital practitioners talking for 28 minutes into a microphone. Dropping digital truth bombs. Dispensing useful, creative online marketing advice to businesses and organizations. Think of it as an Agony Aunt column for businesses struggling to come to terms with the heartbreak that is digital marketing. Frequency 4 episodes / quarter Since Mar 2018 Podcast
Facebook fans 173 ⋅ Twitter followers 17 ⋅ Social Engagement 2 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

30. InboundBuzz | Inbound Marketing Podcast

InboundBuzz | Inbound Marketing Podcast

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast Inbound Marketing Mastery at its finest. InboundBuzz is a practical, non-nonsense podcast on the latest Digital and Inbound Marketing tips, tools & tactics you need to achieve Inbound Mastery. Frequency 6 episodes / year Since Mar 2016 Podcast
Alexa Rank 133 View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

31. MarCast


Australia About Podcast One-on-one conversations with the sharpest minds in Australian marketing. Welcome to MarCast, the Marketing Magazine podcast series. Each episode, our host Dave Jackson spends some quality time with a senior Australian marketer to understand their approach to brand building, strategy management, data, technology, leadership and more. Frequency 2 episodes / year Since Feb 2019 Podcast
Twitter followers 24.8K ⋅ Alexa Rank 252.1K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

32. Networx Podcast

Networx Podcast

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia About Podcast Welcome to Networx Podcast: Marketing & Digital Conversations. Proudly brought to you by Networx Brisbane, each episode is a live recording of a past panel conversation with a different marketing-related topic, a panel of expert speakers, and a panel facilitator. Topics range from content marketing, storytelling, content marketing, social media, podcasting, audio + video marketing, sponsorship, media, marketing strategy, digital innovation, customer journey, eCommerce, ad technology and programmatic, artificial intelligence (AI), and data. Frequency 3 episodes / quarter Since Mar 2019 Podcast
Twitter followers 6.2K ⋅ Alexa Rank 5.6M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

33. Marketing To Mums

Marketing To Mums

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia About Podcast Marketing to Mums is the world’s first podcast designed to help marketing professionals and business owners improve their communications and sales to Mums. You will hear interviews of leading experts from around the globe to share the latest research and insights about mothers. Hosted by Katrina McCarter, a Marketing Strategist, Best-selling Author, and International Speaker. Frequency 14 episodes / year Since Dec 2018 Podcast
Twitter followers 260 ⋅ Alexa Rank 6.5M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

34. The Morning Kick | Business Inspiration

The Morning Kick | Business Inspiration

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia About Podcast The Morning Kick is an initiative from premier digital marketing agency Excite Media. Drawing on our widespread contact network of Marketeers, Business Owners, and Influencers our live Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn show, The Morning Kick, find the resources, ideas, and encouraging stories to help build your business. Find out what works and what doesn’t from honest conversations with business owners just like you. We’ve all been there! Now let’s go forward together. Frequency 30 episodes / year Since Mar 2020 Podcast
Twitter followers 219 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

35. PhD in Social Media

PhD in Social Media

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast Hello! Looking to learn all you can about #socialmediamarketing? Me too. I’m Lauren and I started this journey in 2014, driven by a great passion to learn social media marketing ‘inside out’! This podcast is my way of sharing my knowledge with you and in the process expanding our knowledge, together on a journey to earn our own figurative ‘PhD in Social Media’. Frequency 20 episodes / year Since Apr 2020 Podcast
Twitter followers 15 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

36. Lean Mean Marketing Teams

Lean Mean Marketing Teams

Perth, Western Australia, Australia About Podcast In today’s fast-paced world, your team is your ultimate competitive advantage. Discover how to create a high-performance marketing team by joining Ty Hayes as he interviews leading CMOs, authors, and experts at the top of their game. You’ll explore the dynamic team structures, agile practices, leadership, and culture behind some of the world’s most successful brands and the teams driving their marketing. If you’re a marketer looking to enhance your leadership and boost your team’s capability, then this is your must-listen podcast. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Nov 2020 Podcast
Social Engagement 3 ⋅ Alexa Rank 7.2M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

37. Talking Business Australia

Talking Business Australia

Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia About Podcast Talking Business Australia is an Australian business and marketing podcast for regional business owners. Hosted by experienced marketers and business owners, Melissa Dickfos and Cath Fowler, Talking Business Australia shares the success stories of regional businesses throughout Australia, together with marketing and business tips. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Aug 2019 Podcast
Social Engagement 72 ⋅ View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

38. For Good

For Good

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia About Podcast Digging deep into agency life and what it means to do business For Good. A production by the team at Spicy Web, an integrated marketing agency from Melbourne, Australia. Frequency 2 episodes / month Since Feb 2021 Podcast
Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

39. Growth & Greatness eCommerce Podcast

Growth & Greatness eCommerce Podcast

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia About Podcast If you’re a Brand Founder, eCommerce Entrepreneur or Growth Marketer and looking to scale your eComm brand, then this is the podcast for you. We’ll be interviewing industry leading eCommerce founders and marketing strategists and bringing their insights and actionable take-aways for you to implement and drive your revenue growth. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Feb 2021 Podcast
Twitter followers 53 ⋅ Social Engagement 77 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.1K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

40. Outspoken Intel Podcast

Outspoken Intel Podcast

New South Wales, Australia About Podcast Hey there! I’m Nicola Ruitenberg from Outspoken Entourage and I’m here to help you NAIL your marketing (in particular digital marketing!). From those who are ‘somewhat sorted’ to the complete technophobes, I’ll break it down in a way that won’t confuse you. From branding and websites, through to social media, email marketing, automation and more, I’ll help you navigate the marketing landscape to ensure you ‘look good and get found!’ Frequency 1 episode / month Since Jan 2021 Podcast
Alexa Rank 3.3M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

41. The Hayley Osborne Show

The Hayley Osborne Show

Australia About Podcast Welcome to The Hayley Osborne Show, between myself from South Australia, and my wildly inspiring guests from across the world, I’m so excited to discuss all things social media, marketing, and mindset with you. You’ll be learning how to take the stress out of your social media and marketing so you can focus on the business aspects you love. I’m the founder of Social Soul, I help business owners and entrepreneurs from around the world build and market their brand strategically online with soul. Frequency 5 episodes / quarter Since Feb 2021 Podcast
Twitter followers 1 ⋅ Alexa Rank 5K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

42. Marketing Made Easy with Cham Tang

Marketing Made Easy with Cham Tang

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast The Marketing Made Easy with Cham Tang podcast aims to help you create a successful business you love with marketing, mindset and business tips and tricks. Frequency 6 episodes / year Since Jun 2020 Podcast
Social Engagement 10 ⋅ Alexa Rank 427.4K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

43. Influencer Marketing in the Frame

Influencer Marketing in the Frame

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast Join our chats with the boldest, brightest and best both from the industry side and the creator side, to get insider knowledge on what’s happening now in influencer marketing in Australia and beyond. Frequency 2 episodes / month Since Mar 2021 Podcast
Alexa Rank 3.5M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

44. The Digital Apprenticeship Podcast

The Digital Apprenticeship Podcast

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia About Podcast Stephanie Trinder will cover important elements of digital marketing in a clear format. She’ll help you use tools like social media, website, and email to gain visibility in your trade industry, generate new leads, and put money in your bank account. Join her as she sits down with some of the most inspiring and successful tradespeople to discover how they leveraged digital marketing to build their businesses from the ground up. Frequency 20 episodes / year Since Jul 2020 Podcast
Alexa Rank 4.1K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

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Top 10 Resume Writing Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021

1. Career Growth Made Easy

Career Growth Made Easy

Winter Springs, Florida, United States About Podcast Craig Ancel knows what it’s like to be unemployed. After a sudden job loss, he dealt with the struggles of learning how to create a winning resume, write effective cover letters, and confidently prepare for and succeed in an interview. He reveals all of his performance growth strategies and leadership tips so you can achieve next-level results. Frequency 2 episodes / week Since Dec 2019 Podcast
Twitter followers 2 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

2. Resume Restoration Podcast

Resume Restoration Podcast

Alberta, Canada About Podcast Listen in for informative tips and topics around career transition, job seeking and resume writing. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Jun 2020 Podcast
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3. Rebranded


About Podcast Rebranded is a spin-off of Re-Vision Writing Service, a career-related service specializing in resumes, cover letters, and other career services. It shares ways to highlight yourself on your resume and beyond it. Rebranded assists in helping one identify their potential to advance in their careers and businesses. Frequency 6 episodes / quarter Podcast
Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

4. What the Job

What the Job

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada About Podcast What the Job? is an advice podcast on all things jobs. Listen to University of Alberta alumni talk about their career paths and learn tips from the Career Centre on everything from networking to resume writing. Frequency 3 episodes / quarter Since Oct 2019 Podcast
Twitter followers 7.8K ⋅ Social Engagement 6 ⋅ Alexa Rank 133 View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

5. Resume Writing Podcast

Resume Writing Podcast

About Podcast You can also learn how to write a resume for free by surfing the Internet for resume writing help. Frequency 1 episode / quarter Since Feb 2021 Podcast
Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

6. Smarter Career Moves

Smarter Career Moves

New York, United States About Podcast Smarter Career Moves podcast. If you’re struggling to find a new job, write your resume, be more successful in job interviews, get ahead in your career, we’re here to help. Hosted by Annette Richmond, Executive Resume Writer. Frequency 22 episodes / year Since May 2020 Podcast
Twitter followers 2.1K ⋅ Alexa Rank 4K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

7. BestReviewer


About Podcast BestReviewer is a reliable company. We have the best resume writers around. We have helped hundreds of job seekers to achieve their goals. Frequency 2 episodes / year Since Jul 2020 Podcast
Alexa Rank 4.5K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

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Top Japanese Drama Podcast to Follow in 2021

Top Japanese Drama Podcast Contents [show] ⋅About this list & ranking Japanese Drama Podcasts Majidayo Submit Blog Do you want more traffic, leads, and sales? Submit your blog below if you want to grow your traffic and revenue. Submit Your Blog Japanese Drama Podcasts View Latest Episodes ⋅Get Bloggers Contacts 1. Majidayo About Podcast Hosts Raidin and […]

The post Top Japanese Drama Podcast to Follow in 2021 appeared first on Feedspot Blog.

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